This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

 Today, I was sitting at a table at my job today eating a roast beef and turkey sandwich with dijon mustard and hot peppers, when I noticed my phone receiving a "tweet."  I chewed the bite I had just taken and took note of @pkollar listing several new games along with the "tag" #memorialdaygames. 

 Those of you familiar with Twitter have either computing what this all means or you have partaken in this particular meme yourself.  If you are like @gFOOD and happen to not be down with the Twitter here is the simple version: Twitter allows people to tag anything simply by adding the "#" sign before the item you wish to tag, by doing so, many different people can all discuss one thing without having to follow each other.  It is a quick, easy, and harmless way to get a lot of opinions on one thing.  

A picture of Twitter's Memorial Day Gaming tag.



 I clicked on the #memorialdaygames tag and I was taken to a twitter page with several other people listing the games they planned to use the long weekend taking part in.  This sort of instant community is one of the reasons I appreciate Twitter.  If you haven’t given the application a chance, yet, you are cheating yourself.

Long Weekend = Games?

 For me, long weekends that were not spent with family were always equated with games.  But Memorial Day, personally, has never been about games for me.  Likely due to the fact that Summer would come rolling in bringing with it lovely weather, blockbuster movies, and a yearly gaming drought.  

 The rest of Summer would inevitably become about finally beating the games I got in March for my birthday, but Memorial Day weekend was the long weekend that gaming forgot.  

What the hell is the deal with this year?  Punch-Out!!, Bionic Commando, and a well-rated UFC game.  This could be a really good weekend to avoid the heat, keep your eyes shielded from women in short shorts, and socialization of any kind.

I’ve decided to break-in my new blog here on the BitMob by asking you what you plan to spend your weekend doing?

Let me start.

I actually do have to work a little bit this weekend, but I plan to break into Bionic Commando tomorrow evening.  I’m excited to try the game, but I hope I can get past some of the gripes I’ve been reading about in the reviews. 

I do want to try Punch-Out!! as well, but I doubt Gamefly will send it to me before the weekend is over, so I’ll have to get to it next week.

A painting of King Hippo from Punch-Out!!

Finally, I plan to beat Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars.  The game is the perfect pick-up-and-play/throw-away gaming experience, but its variety and gameplay are deep as any triple A game for any home console.

Now, it is your turn.

Jeff Grubb