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 1105 AM Still waiting for the Conf. to start…I heard God of War 3 might be shown :) (I Kid) 

1110 AM  Starting late, Nintendo Presser was driving distance away…LA Traffic. Anyone believe my prediction on Tom Hank’s announcing an Angels and Demon’s game PS3 exclusive?

1112 AM Lights have dimmed, handgrabbing is allowed for the kiddies.  Sizzle reel, Queen music in the background, the soundtrack to our gaming hearts.  PSP LBP seen, maybe a PS3 Slim, who knows, going to fast…games shown are Uncharted 2, Fight Night Round 4, SingStar, Bayonetta, Tekken 6, and Brutal Legend etc… Batman Arkham Asylum, PixelJunk Shooter, Buzz, Ghostbusters

1115 AM Jack Tretton, the man of the hour for SCEA.  Making fun of the leaks from Sony and announced an impressive 364 games for Sony systems this year.

1120 AM PS had 30% of the market share, PS 2 a testament of how a Ten Year Cycle works, tells us something we do not know Jack!  100 games for the PS2 this year, 40% growth of the PS3 in the fiscal 2008 year.  PS3 to be released in Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil later this year.

1125 AM Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta opens tonight at midnight.  Single player is being demo, looks sexy, better than the original.  Cool physics engine stuff being showed off, trees being blown by the helicopter winds…

 1130ish AM MAG Update, demo on show floor all 256 people, demoed on stage.

1135ish AM PSP Go, designed for the person on the go…(hurr!)  A new Media Manager Go replacing the old PC version.  (Hopes they do not sell it at retail for 20 bucks and have to download the free JP one!)  $249 (damn!) October 1st (my bdate, a paypal donation will be up in my profile) PSP toolkits will cost less, will spur more sales says Kaz Hirai (of RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RACER fame) PSP will get a video delivery service, similiar to the PS3 (probably the same) and will include partners of Showtime, G4, E!, and UFC (take that XBLive, who needs Sky TV!)  

1140 ish Am  Kazunouri Yamauchi announces PSP Gran Tourismo "The GT running inside this small hardware is a full GT, running at 60 FPS." "GT PSP contains 800 cars, 35 tracks, and various layouts of those tracks"

1150ish AM Hideo Kojima announces Metal Gear Peace Walker for the PSP, set ten years of the events of MGS3, set in the 1970s, four snakes taking on a Metal Gear.  Kojima-san is heavily involved in the game, is made of most of the people who worked on MGS4.  (I wonder who is working on Metal Gear Rising then…)  2010 release date

12PM Resident Evil Portable for your  PSP is shown.   A montage of the following games are reeled, Soul Calibur, Jak & Daxter, MotorStorm Arctic Edge, Dissidia Final Fantasy, Echochrome, PixelJunk Monsters, NCAA Football 10, Hot Shots Tennis, Fat Princess, Star Wars Battlefront, and Rock Band Unplugged

12PM ish PSN Stuff shown.  50 PS1 classics to be available, FF VII, the much beloved FF game will be available today.  

12ish Another montage, all PS3, PSN games, God of War 2 (?!) BF1943, Critter Crunchers, Fuel, Overlord 2, Singstar Queen,etc…

12ish Assassins Creed 2 and Assassins Creed PSP show, announced inter-connectivity  will be included.

12ish FFXIII Trailer shown.  Lots of gameplay.  MEGATON! FFXIV, (about gangs in San Francisco! I kid) is exclusive to the PS3.  Jack: "We’re working to create an experience that’s much closer to real life than anything that’s ever been released"

12ish R&D type of stuff being shownm  the camera can track 1:1 in a real 3D space

1240 ish Disney stuff being shown, nuff said.

1245ish a Play create share game is shown, kart racers, ModNation Racers is shown.  Think LBP with Mario Kart

1250ish Another MEGATON Team ICO’s game The Last Guardian is shown.

1PM God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5 are shown,  GT5 has car damage modeling, is blowing away Forza 3 in visuals.   A lot of third party support, Nascar, F1, Rally Racing and Ferrari and so on

110ish Jack  says, God of War 3 exclusive and only possible on the PS3…March 2010

Sony may have return, but the mack of the show, might still go to MS, but it was a mouthwatering conference of games and games.
