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I’ve found myself over the past few days watching a lot of "Sessler’s Soapbox," which are video segments Adam Sessler does where he talk about whatever topic happens to pop into his head. Now I had first seen one of these a few months back when he talked about people’s complaints about their Killzone 2 review, (which he defended quite brilliantly,) but I didn’t realize until recently that these are a weekly thing which is what caused me to start watching them hoping to catch up some.


Watching them back-to-back as I was, I started to draw some parallels between what Adam Sessler is doing, and someone else. That someone being Jon Stewart.

Now for those that watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and especially those who have watched interviews with Jon where he has talked about what he tries to do with the show, you know that although Jon has his own leanings he is always pointing out the ridiculous and unreasonable for a laugh. Wherever it may be coming from: left, right, center, media, business, himself, etc.
Jon Stewart is a voice of reason, one for general news and politics, and Adam Sessler is the voice of reason for the video game media. Pointing out not only the problems with games, but also with fanboysonline gamer etiquettehow the non-gaming public sees gaming, etc. And he does all this in a humorous and engaging manner, that makes you not only think about what he is saying, but also allows you to enjoy what he’s saying even if you don’t agree with him.
Now there are a lot of other people in the video game media (or enthusiast press as some like to call it,) who could just as easily be called a voice of reason, but I think that what makes Sessler the one specifically is how these segments are presented. They are typically under a 3 or 4 minutes long, and he’s speaking right into the camera at you the viewer. While most other people who are voices of reason are typically on podcasts, which can be 30 minutes to hours long. It’s a lot easier to get people to watch a short video, then listen to a long podcast, which makes it more spreadable since its easier to consume. Which means more people can see it, and hopefully take something out of it.