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First off let me say that I am very excited with the new motion technologies displayed at E3 this year.  I can see them being fun to use if they are executed right.  With all three companies now seemingly focused on motion controls, what does that mean for the future?  I can’t help but think that there will become a time when the traditional controller will be disregarded for motion controllers.  Nintendo almost did it this generation with the Wii, but at least they let you use the controller in some sort of classic manner.

 Sony's newest  

Sony also seems to have the idea of using a motion controller that will still have buttons and what not.  Also they have gone and said that they do not want to replace the dual shock with their new motion controller, but have it work alongside it.  Microsoft on the other hand is going for no controller at all, which has its advantages and disadvantages.

Microsoft's newest 

At the end of the day though we have a choice this gen between using a controller we know and using a new motion control technology.  No one knows how far the motion control technology will grow by next gen, but I just hope they don’t grow too confident in it where they believe eliminating any sort of classic controller is feasible.  

As tempting as it is to follow a path similar to Nintendo and make your system and games as user friendly as possible, they need to keep that kind of option open as to not alienate the  more "hardcore" or just those who prefer a regular controller.  

I’m sure Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are smart enough to continue supporting a classic style controller.  Its just that the thought that they might abandon it will linger as long as they stay intently focused on motion controls for the future.