This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

juke boxEven though I’ve done a Meet the Mob, there is something important you should know about me.

For some reason, over the years, my mind has acted as a sort of a Roledex for great videogame ditties. Because of this, every Wednesday I will be posting fifteen well-known and not-so-well-known videogame songs.

There’s a catch however. I will not be providing all of the songs; I’ll provide only 10. The rest will be suggested – hopefully songs I’ve never heard – and out of all of the suggestions, I will choose five to round out the fifteen.

Ultimately, I would like enough suggestions to switch over to five or even one song donated by myself, thus truly making it the Community Jukebox.

It’s important to note that all submissions will be credited to the community members who provided them.

The only guidelines are that any song chosen must be from a non-music game, or from a music game with original content. As a revision to the original rule, posted in Bitmob Community Jukebox #1, radio-ready songs that appear in games are OK. This is because I realized that a song from last week, Downstream from Braid, was a previously recorded song by Shira Kammen.

This means that Fallout and Grand Theft Auto songs are fair game, whereas Guitar Hero and Rock Band songs aren’t. If licensed songs become too prolific, however, I may stop taking them as submissions.

Also, to note, I will try my hardest  to find the original names of every song, yours or mine, but if I can’t, I will give it a name, and mark it with an asterisk. In addition, all songs are set to open in a new tab, so feel free to click away and have them play in the background as you surf Bitmob or get some work done.

Songs appear in no particular order whatsoever, save that community submissions will be segmented from my choices last.

Each week, I will also be choosing my favorite submission, The Double-Plus Good Pick of the Week. The winner will receive exactly nothing, except being last song with this beside their entry: ++good. I will also try to add an immediate comment about the awesomeness of their song as an added bonus. This will be an in-joke for those who keep up.

Most importantly, since I hope to keep doing this for awhile, only one submission response per person per post. That way I’ll have less to parse, and you folks will be able to submit for an extended period of time. If you sumbit multiple requests, I will not listen to any of them.

Again, only one submission response per person per post.

Anyway, onto the show.

1. Breath of Fire II – Windia

2. Little Big Planet – Get It Together by The Go! Team

3. Blaster Master – Area 1 Music*

4. Parappa the Rapper –  Professor Mooselini’s Car Rap

5. Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom – Main Theme*

6. Fallout – Maybe by The Ink Spots

7. Silent Hill 3 – You’re Not Here

8. Ninja Gaiden – Act 2 Stage 2*

9. Mischief Makers – Esperance

10. Little Nemo: The Dream Master – The Mushroom Forest (I own all of Winsor McCay’s work so I’m a little biased here…)

11. God of War 2 -The Barbarian King Returns


Community Jukebox

12. Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest – Doom Castle suggested by Brandon Shirk

13. Shadow Hearts – Shadow Hearts sort of suggested by Toby Davis… This ones for you!

14. Shadow of the Colosuss – Excitement! Danger! suggested by Lance Darnell

15. Medal of Honor: Frontline – Arnhem Knights -suggested by Evan Killham++good

~James D. The Sophist