This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

Shoe and I found Chair Entertainment's Donald Mustard and 1UP's David Ellis loitering in the lobby when it was time to record the podcast. We decided that you would enjoy listening to them and invited them to join us. Honest!

In Episode 017 of The Mobcast, Chair co-founder and creative director Donald Mustard and 1UP's David Ellis join Bitmob's Dan "Shoe" Hsu and Jason Wilson in what turned out to be a Shadow Complex-flavored episode (and believe it or not, that's how the topics shook themselves out — it wasn't planned like that!).

The guys face off about Castlevania vs. Metroid, stories and their ability to transcend their media, this week's community topic about great games with disappointing endings, pricing and consumer expectations when it comes to downloadable vs. retail games, and if alternative history stories interest them.

Also, if you're looking to get a job in game development, do we have some good news for you. Listen to the whole podcast to find out more. – Mobcast #17: Chair Entertainment's Donald Mustard and 1UP's David Ellis join Bitmob's Dan "Shoe" Hsu and Jason Wilson to chat about Castlevania vs. Metroid, stories transcending their media, alternative history storylines, and good games with bad endings. E-mail the crew at

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