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mobcast_600x600We’ve got an exciting lineup for this week’s Mobcast. Special guest Christian Nutt of Gamasutra makes his Mobcast debut. Greg Ford returns to the Mobcast, and we somehow convinced Michael Donahoe to stop giving people piledrivers to join the show.

Along with Jason Wilson, the crew finds out if anyone’s into MMOs and if we’re interested in any of the upcoming titles like Star Trek Online (we also learn that Donahoe’s not entirely confident in his driving abilities).

Christian asks what our relationships with games are these days. Do we buy as many games as we used to? Do we buy more? Is the passion still there? Greg wants to know about our favorite form of game media, from digital downloads to the ol’ clunky Nintendo carts.

We then examine if Donahoe’s topic — have we hit the oversaturation point with zombie games — and the show takes a weird turn when Donahoe admits that he’d rather give a starving zombie a brain than give a starving Nazi a piece of matzo.

The show wraps up with Miles Henriksen’s community question about the differences between Western and Japanese game design. – Mobcast #18: Gamasutra’s Christian Nutt joins Bitmob’s Michael Donahoe, Greg Ford, and Jason Wilson as they chat about zombie overload, changing relationships with games, and more. E-mail the crew at

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