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I was playing Bionic Commando ReArmed recently and it got me thinking about other old 2D games I would like to see remade in high definition and/or pseudo-3D.  Hopefully games like Bionic commando ReArmed and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix are just the tip of the iceberg. Here’s a list of ten 2D games I feel should get an HD makeover.

Super Metroid (SNES)

Samus’ first and only outing on the SNES will always be an example of how a 2D action platformer should be done. It features a lengthy quest, plenty of exploration and a good variety of weapons and suit upgrades. Let’s not forget the mother brain fight 2.0 and the exciting race against time at the end of the game, in order to evacuate the crumbling planet and escape in Samus’ space ship before said planet exploded in a cinematic display of 2D sprite goodness.

Super Metroid

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PSone, XBLA, PSN)

This is arguably the best 2D Castlevania game. Featuring rockin’ music, tough boss fights and a seemingly endless list of weapons and equipable items (I still find new weapons and random monster drops every time I play this), Symphony of the Night is a game that every fan of 2D platformers should play at least once.  Just when you think you’ve destroyed the final boss and beat the game, you discover that you’re only halfway through this epic platformer and you have to traverse the entire castle once again – upside-down and with all new enemies, bosses and upgrades!

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Super Mario World (SNES)

Sure, HD remakes of any 2D platformer featuring everybody’s favorite plumber would be great, but for me Super Mario World ushers warm fuzzy memories more so than any other. There was something magical about navigating mario around the vivid world map as you decided what level to tackle next.  Discovering for the first time that some levels had more than one exit was also a nice surprise.  Super Mario World also introduced gamers to the loveable Yoshi for the very first time.

Super Mario World for SNES

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee (PSone, PC)

Long before Oddworld games featured upgradeable weapons and allowed you to switch between characters in fully rendered 3D worlds, it was a simple (control wise) 2D platformer that was equal parts platforming, puzzle solving and outright quirkiness.  While Oddworld 1 wasn’t a multiplayer game it was fun to play with a friend and pass the controller back and forth between deaths (there was a lot of trial and error involved, but rarely to the point of frustration). The puzzles and patterns required to navigate each level were easier, and much more fun, to figure out with a friend and the game was just as entertaining to watch as it was to play, thanks to crisp and detailed prerendered graphics and great character animations. Abe’s Oddysee was also one of the first ever games to feature no user interface or HUD. A remake of this underrated gem of a game would be something special.

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

Mega Man 2 (NES)

The mother of all Mega Man games. There needs to be no explaination here. Give us Rockman 2 in HD!

Mega Man 2

Contra 3: The Alien Wars (SNES)

Quite simply one of the best 2D co-op games of all time in my opinion, and certainly one of the most fun! Contra 3 featured extensive use of the SNES’s famed ‘mode 7’ (2D sprite scaling to emulate 3D) effects around every corner and the crisp 2D sprites and over-the-top scenarios, such as hanging from soaring missiles with one hand while blasting baddies with your free hand made this game so much damn fun. The action was non-stop, the boss fights fun and challenging and, hell, even the top down levels were great in their own way.

Contra 3: The Alien Wars

Sunset Riders (Arcade, SNES)

What’s more fun than pulling out your six shooters and taking it to those pesky bandits of the Old West?  Doing it in pastel clothing!  Sunset Riders was just another one of those 2D side scrolling co-op blast fests that Konami was so good at in the 90’s,  but it stands out in my memory because of the Old West setting, which is probably the least used setting in video games. The arcade version featured 4 player co-op while the SNES version only allowed for 2 players, due to hardware sprite limitations.  A high def remake on PSN or XBL featuring up to four players could be very fun.

Sunset Riders

Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)

I realize that tinkering with the properties of blast processing in an attempt to remake Sonic the Hedgehog in pseudo 3D could, like, possibly tear a hole in the space/time continuum, but it would be totally worth the risk to run, roll, and smash through the lush environments in crisp HD. Sonic 2 was fun but I prefer the simpler level design and straightforward approach of the original. Plus, the bonus levels in Sonic 2 sucked.

Sonic the Hedgehog

ActRaiser (SNES)

Fun 2D platforming? Check. Memorable music? Check. Awesome boss fights? Check. Simple yet totally bitchin’ and addicting sim mode?  Check.  Lame, disappointing sequel?  Check. Tears and weeping if ActRaiser doesn’t get redone in HD? Check.


Golden Axe (Arcade, Genesis)

Hacking and slashing, casting ridiculous magic spells that fill the screen with total awesomeness, riding on the back of fire-breathing beasts, a villian named ‘Death-Adder’ and kicking around pesky little…whatever those things were… until they dropped magic pots and giant slabs of meat. What’s not to like?  Sure the game is super short but the level design was clever, the character sprites were interesting and the co-op action was great fun.  All I could ask for in an HD remake is a couple bonus levels to extend the lenghth of the game another 10-15 minutes. Maybe a new enemy or two. Side note: Golden Axe has one of the coolest title screens ever.

Golden Axe

…and 10 Honorable Mentions:

– Shadow Dancer (Arcade, Genesis)
– Chip & Dale’s Rescue Rangers (NES)
– Magician Lord (Neo Geo)
– Final Fight (Arcade, SNES)
– Streets of Rage II (Genesis)
– Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES Version)
– LifeForce (NES, Arcade)
– Ninja Gaiden II (NES)
– Bonk’s Adventure (Turbografx)
– River City Ransom (NES)

There are literally hundreds of great 2D games out there. What are some of your favorites that you’d like to see get a high def makeover?