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On the recent Mobcast the guys talked about 2010 being the year of the Playstation 3 due to the machine itself finally being affordable and the sheer number of amazing titles out or coming being a definite strong selling point for the system.  I pretty much agree with them but then I was convinced this year and last were the ‘year of the ps3’ so we’ll see.

At the very least now no one can argue anymore that the PS3 isn’t worth owning and thats all that really matters.

So this got me thinking, their must still be alot of people out there who haven’t been following alot of the major exclusive releases for PS3 and probably only have a vague idea at best of what games to get for the system they dont already own on 360 should they choose to finally pick one up.

So here is another arbitrary list of stuff for all you new ps3 owners out there who have no idea what ps3 titles are worth your hard earned/stolen cash. While some of these I wouldn’t completely agree on based on my own experiences with them, things will be different for others so I’ll go ahead and list all the titles are feel are arguably worth owning.


1. Uncharted – Drakes Fortune

With the sequel not far away(Octoboter 13th to be exact) it makes sense that you should own the original game that started this franchise.  Made by the same people responsible for the PsOne’s iconic Crash Bandicoot series and the PS2’s cult hit (and my personal favorite on the platform) series Jak and Daxter, Uncharted is the game Tomb Raider has been trying to be since Lara Croft first bounced her way in to gaming.

Uncharted is still one of the nicest looking games released in the last few years and overall still remains a fun and well executed if somewhat derivitve experience.  Plus the story is actually well written, the characters actually interesting and the animation featured both in cut scenes and gameplay is some of the best seen in the industry.  


2. Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction

If Pixar made video games almost as good as one of their own movies, this is what they would be like. Tools of Destruction still remains my favorite title on the system and will likely only be dethroned by its sequel also due out October this year.

If you’ve never followed the series since its ps2 incarnation think of it as some of the funnest action platforming imaginable.  The controls and feel of the gameplay in Ratchet and Clank are what made the formula last for five, soon to be six games with very little alteration.  Add on top of that a great sense of humor, brilliant animation, hilarious characters and weapons you likely wont see in any other action title out there and you have at least in my opnion one of the greatest experiences to emerge in 3d action gaming ever.  Perhaps I’m over-selling a little but if I have at least sparked your curiosity then awesome.


3. Motor Storm – Pacific Rift

I’m not a huge racing nut, I cant stand simulation racers and for numerous reasons I have never found myself enjoying any of the Burnout games. So naturally I was surprised how much I ended up liking Motor Storm and even more so its sequel.  These games some how have nailed the perfect formula for me, the handling is arcadey but requires some degree of skill, the crashes are spectacular and even funny at times but never irritatingly dragged out and the design of the tracks themselves still amazes me.   Plus its real purdy.

While the original isn’t quite worth picking up anymore I couldn’t recommend Pacific Rift enough.    Its hard to describe why exactly the game is so fun but it just is. Between the wide selection of differently handling vehicles and the fact each track is built with that very aspect in mind the replayability and crazyness of ths racing game is unmatched.


4. Metal Gear Solid 4

Oh boy now here’s one people get sensitive about.  You go to any ps3 fanboy forum and you can guarantee they will all talk as if this were the greatest game of all time, which it isn’t, neither is the franchise as amazing as so many of them claim it to be, well in my opinion anyway.  MGS4 was the first Metal Gear title I played to completion, it was definitely a unique experience with a story as convuluted as they come but what made it really compelling for me was the fact the game was actually playable and well, fun.

The entire control system and even to a large degree the gameplay was altered in this sequel to appeal to a larger audience and thank freaking god it was because I wouldn’t touch the previous titles with a well lengthened pole if someone paid me. 

Without spoiling the story its safe to say this game is pretty epic and if you’re a fan of the series you have to play mgs4 as it wraps up pretty nicely at the end, if somewhat strangely.  But then thats been the running theme with the mgs games, weirdness that most likely could only have ever emerged from a team of Japanese developers lead by the now famous game designer Hideo Kojima.  He’s got three big projects he’s involved in now, Rising, a fanwank MGS psp title and overseeing production of the next Castlevania.


5.  Killzone 2

Overhyped? yes.  Nontheless Killzone 2 was a technical feat in game development, from the sheer number of things going on at any given moment to the incredible lighting and rediculous number of polys being pushed its a game that screams ‘system seller’.  Its unfortunate the gameplay itself didn’t turn out  all that innovative or interesting or that the story wasn’t just more ‘I’m a tough marine who needs to kill bad guys’.

Still if their was ever a shooter you should own on PS3 this is it.  They fixed the horrible controls/aiming a few months ago and the multiplayer community is pretty active still so if your impatiently waiting for Modern Warfare 2 or ODST and you happen to now own a ps3 KZ2 is a good choice.

6.  Heavenly Sword

I feel sorry for Ninja Theory because this game with a couple more months polish would have been one of the greatest character action titles ever made.

Heavenly Sword got alot of negative press for its short length and unrefined combat but outside of those two gripes its quite possibly one of the most amazing examples of modern gaming technology to date. The realistic facial expressions and performances of the characters alone are easily comparable to film. No surprise really considering Andy Serkis and the digital animation team behind the Lord of the Rings films were involved in the production.

If you’d like an in depth analysis of Heavenly Sword Rebel FM recently did a two part gameclub podcast on it.  It inspired me to play through it again two years later and I’m glad I did.

These days the game should be a heck of alot cheaper so its much easier to recommend.
Its not quite a game so much as it is an interactive cgi movie but the combat does have some unique qualities and was clearly inspired by God of War.  Nariko may not be the female Kratos she was hyped up to be, but her game was far from terrible. 

7.  LittleBigPlanet

I haven’t bought LittleBigPlanet yet. Around its release I was super hyped to play it but after putting off the purchase for so long I wonder if that wasn’t my instincts trying to tell me something.   Recently however I played it for a little while at a friends place and had alot of fun.  Alcohol was involved though, that may have effected my judgement.

I was going to finally buy my own copy just last month but then they announced the game of the year edition which has been out for a little over a week now so as soon as my other purchases are out the way I am going to finally pick it up.

Its a game fueled by creativety as it was designed from the ground up with community made content in mind and has apparently been getting quite alot of amazing stuff made for it since release.

The GOTY edition has some of the best content from the community as well as some new stuff by the developers too, all for a lower price.  Nows as good a time as any to check out this crazy 3d side scrolling platformer.  Its clearly not for everyone but if your after some simple yet highly addicitve platforming with amazing visuals and seemingly limitless free downloadable content LBP delivers.

I know their are more but these are the ps3 excusives currently available that I feel should be played by anyone new or old to the ps3.  While admittedly none of them are quite the system sellers some were touted as being, theirs no argument that they aren’t great examples of what the ps3 has to offer that cant be found anywhere else.