This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

I hate Internet gremlins.

mobcast_600x600The Bitmob command staff was getting ready to go over selections for our Mobcast intro contest when I realized that we’d somehow lost all of the submissions in the Internet ether. (Which is a nice way of saying that some big fat fool accidentally deleted them. I wonder who?)

So we’re going to extend our call for Mobcast intros to Saturday, Oct. 31 (any procrastinators can use a sugar rush from Halloween treats to help make the deadline). We’ll listen to ’em, and if we find one that really moves us, we’ll use it for our new intro. We’ll probably post some runner-up submissions as well.

The next part is important: If you had already submitted an entry, please e-mail it again to We’d like all the previous entries to be taken into account.

Here are a few guidelines:


• Don’t make it too long.

• Think about the audience and the show’s format.

• Don’t use any licensed material that we wouldn’t have the rights for.

• Any voice work can be male or female (slight edge probably goes to the fairer sex).

• It’d probably be good to work in the show’s theme somehow — “4 gamers, 4 topics” (yeah, we changed it from “guys” to “gamers” to be more gender-neutral) — but that’s up to you.

• Don’t reference any Bitmob staffers in the intro — it won’t always be the same people in each episode.

• Use your name for the file name: first name_last name. This will help us better track the submissions.

Please send your submissions to with the subject head Mobcast Intro. And note: You’re giving us full rights and permission to use whatever you send in however we want.

You can find Mobcast in the podcasts section of Bitmob, iTunes, or Zune.

We’re looking forward to listening to your submissions!