This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

Trying to keep up with all of the downloadable games and content that’s out there these days is enough to make a person cry. But cry no more, because Download Lowdown is here to help. I’ll sift through the good, the bad, and the weird to help you get the most from your game system of choice without leaving your house.

I’m trying something a little different with Download Lowdown the next few weeks. Basically, I’m only going to cover one game per update, but the updates will be more frequent and timelier. Rather than one big DLLD per week, you’ll now get two or three bite-sized ones. Like the new format? Hate it? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Today I tackle the Final Fantasy for the Wii’s Virtual Console and make you an offer you can’t refuse. EARN CA$H MONEY BY READING DOWLOAD LOWDOWN!


Game: Final Fantasy
System: Wii Virtual Console
Price: $5

Final_FantasyThe Lowdown:
Ah yes, the game that all writers are legally bound to refer to as “the game that started it all.” The original Final Fantasy for the NES (not one of the fancy-pants remakes) is now available on the Virtual Console, and while I think its inclusion is cool, I’m not really sure that I can recommend you throw away five bucks on an old-ass RPG.

What? Stop looking at me like that. Do you really think you’re going to spend more than a few hours level grinding in a game that would be considered ugly if you were playing it on a graphing calculator? You’re not — I promise you that. Actually, I’ll do you one better — I’ll guarantee it. If any DLLD readers buy this game, beat it, and send me a YouTube clip to prove it, I’ll PayPal them $5. (Edit: People seem to hate PayPal, so I’ll mail you a check if you’d prefer.)

I don’t seem to be doing a very good job selling this game to you. Let’s see what Nintendo’s product information page has to say about it:

final_fantasy_nes_screenshot3The world lies shrouded in darkness.
The winds die… The seas rage… The earth decays…
But the people believe in a prophecy, patiently awaiting its fulfillment.
“When darkness veils the earth, four Warriors of Light shall come…”
After a long journey, four young travelers did at last appear…
…and in the hand of each was clutched a crystal.

Oh. That sounds thrilling! I’ll take two, please!

By the way, don’t try to get your $5 by submitting this video of the game’s final boss battle — I’m on to you!

[video: 425×344]

gamefaqs_logoWhat GameFaqs says:
Cheezeman 3000 finally satisfies our curiosity. Thank God:
“By the way, in case anyone’s curious, I’m refusing to consult any guides until I beat the game, even if it’s just a magic FAQ.”

Brinda Wolff probably isn’t going to be collecting $5 from me: “How do I save? I pushed every button (GCN Controller) but I can’t find the ‘save’ option.”

King Dedede16 has a big-time decision on his hands: “At the end of October I’ll be able to have that free NES game thing because I purchased Internet Channel. Should I pick this game or Super Mario Bros. 3? I like both games, that’s for sure. Or…should I wait and see if Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II comes out on VC?”

Piscodemon didn’t really have a date. I’m calling that dude out. No chance: “Yep, went on a date yesterday and didn’t even bother checking the store and it had to come out. It was just waiting for me to have plans on a Monday.”