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This contest is now closed. The winner is… Andrew Reda. Congratulations! (Andrew, if you’re reading this, send your shipping address to

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysWe just got in a copy of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and my girlfriend casually mentioned that a Bitmob user would probably be thrilled to get it. OK then…let’s make one of you thrilled.

Leave a comment below, and in a week, we’ll pick a name at random and send him or her the prize. See full rules after the jump.

Don’t forget: Our Facebook and Twitter contest is still active if you want multiple chances to win cool stuff and be even more thrilled!


Only one entry per user and you must be registered on Bitmob with your real name and email address. (Hint: If your name shows up as “a guest” in the comments, that means you’ve registered a name with illegal characters — probably “quotation marks.”) We can only send this out to people in the continental U.S. unless you state in the comments that you’re willing to cover shipping costs via PayPal (sorry guys — we’re still new and not making any money yet). Void where prohibited.