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Over the years I’ve had many conversations about games and gaming. More often than not these conversations revolve around how much I love or hate a game/genre. But then there are those conversations (and moments) that transcend a gamer’s ordinary banter and become truly special. Here are my top five:
5. My Best Christmas Since The Genesis Years
The Set Up:
My Dad and I are sitting in my parents’ living room, December ‘07. I’m reading a book, he has the newspaper.
The Conversation:
Dad: (barely looking up from the newspaper) Did you know that the Playstation 3’s controllers have motion control?
Me: Um, yeah actually. (I then waited as long as I could before running upstairs to call all my friends and tell them what I was getting for Christmas).
Why It Was Special:
I learned later that my Dad had spent his lunch hour watching PS3 promotional videos on Sony’s website, and kept gushing about it to anyone who would listen. Despite his best efforts he couldn’t help but make a comment to me about it. Because of this my Christmas gifts didn’t contain any surprises, but learning all of the effort he put into the purchase was really touching. Apparently he visited all manner of gaming websites to learn about the consoles in order to buy me the right one. For the record he did well!
4. I May Never Grow Up
The Set Up:
Every year at the beginning of summer, my high school friends and I get dressed up to go shopping after our first paycheck. When we were in high school we spent money on mostly frivolous items. But as we’ve gotten older our shopping trips have gotten a lot less fun, like this year when I bought a suit. The year this conversation occurred was the first time we (sort of) came to terms with our impending adulthood.
The Conversation:
(Two friends and I are sitting in a coffee shop, they are discussing how depressing our purchases are (bathroom rugs and furnishings for me!) while I gaze longingly at a Game Stop.)
Friend # 1: Is that a Solid Snake cutout?
Me: …
Friend # 1: I think you need to go buy Metal Gear Solid 4.
Me: I just spent a lot of money…
Friend # 1: Rachel it’s MGS4 !
Me: That’s true, lets go!
Friend # 2: Wow you have no willpower.
Why It’s Special:
We spent the next three days going to work coming home then getting right back to playing MGS4, so money be damned!
3. My Ancestors Must Hate Me
The Set Up:
This past year I spent my spring break from college not in some exotic locale, but rather at my parent’s house in northwest Ohio. Partly this was because I have no money. Then one magical spring break day I found two $100 savings bonds in my dresser, courtesy of my grandma and great grandmother (we called her busia, a Polish endearment).
The Conversation:
(All of this occurred in my head)
Me: Busia probably intended for all this money to go towards my education.
Me: But she and her family didn’t leave Poland just so we could be educated! There were other reasons too… like how America has better entertainment!
Me: She probably would want me to play Street Fighter 4!
(This next comment was spoken out loud while in line at Best Buy)
Me: I’m a bad person.
Cashier: Um, what?
Why It Was Special:
Three weeks later my PS3 was broken. Karma is the only explanation.
2. I Should Have Called It Bible Adventures
The Set Up:
I’m an officer in a religious group on my college campus, and once a week I go to the parish center for an advising meeting. On this particular occasion I was 10 minutes early, so naturally I whipped out my laptop for Peggle. Unbeknownst to me our priest was giving a tour of the parish center.
The Conversation:
Father (our priest): And here’s our study lounge used by students who need a quiet place to study… oh there’s Rachel! What are you studying?
Me: (I’m sitting perfectly straight, staring intently at the screen, and at first I don’t move at all)
Father: (Leans over to see. Looks confused.)
Me: Um, it’s a game. Yeah… see I shoot the ball and try to hit the pegs….
Father: Kind of like pinball?
Me: Well, no… yeah sure.
(They leave as my face burns)
Why It Was Special:
They still let me run a weekly Bible study, so I didn’t completely destroy my credibility.
1. Little Big Bonding Moment
The Set Up:
Christmas day of last year, my 9 year old cousin had been eagerly glancing at my PS3 all day. So after presents were opened I asked him if he wanted to go play in the basement. I set it up, gave him Little Big Planet and hoped that bonding would commence (I’m painfully awkward around children).
The Conversation:
Cousin: This part’s hard could you do it?
Me: Sure! (I tried to think of something else to say but failed.)
Cousin: So you live at your school?
Me: Yeah, remember the picture I showed you of my dorm room? I lived there for two years, and now I have an apartment!
Cousin: So you lived in a really small room with a girl that you didn’t know and wasn’t even family?!
Me: Um, well… yeah. She was nice though!
Cousin: Did she at least play video games with you?
Me: No, she didn’t like games.
Cousin: That sounds really bad.
Why It Was Special:
I suspect he thinks I’m insane, but since this conversation whenever my cousin comes over he plays games with me. So something must have gone well despite my inability to relate to children.