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Trolling’s for lightweights.

After a mostly anemic presence in the gaming community as of late, it’s high time I re-flex the ol’ fingers and begin writing about games again.  What better way to do so then by introducing myself here at Bitmob, a great example of what gaming communities can be?

Roc!As seen above, the name’s Chris but some folks like to call me “Roc” (that story’s for another post).  I’ve been a gaming enthusiast ever since my parents gave me my first digital crack pipe, a shiny new Atari 2600, for Christmas.  If I ever post the picture they took of me when I opened it, you’ll swear that my expression was the inspiration for the “Nintendo sixty-FOOOOOUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!” home video.

As I’ve gotten older and more responsibility laden, my love for video games is one of the few artifacts from my childhood that has still retained it’s luster. Although my ratio of time to play versus time for other stuff has gradually polarized over the years, I continue to feed my game face with carefully selected games to savor. 

My gaming preferences include games with a strong narrative, rhythm games, puzzlers, old-school adventure games, the occasional shooter, and I’m always up for some arcade-style b-ball.

My favorite gaming buddy by far is my son, Alex.  He’s officially surpassed my skills in every way so I refuse to play against him.  If I did, my sore-loser persona would ensure that his groundings would be much more frequent and less justifiable.  Seriously, he’s a great kid and his love of video games makes it that much easier for me to continue justifying the time I spend behind a controller.

Me and Alex

I’ve always been a bit of a media junkie and having always been a fan of the gaming media specifically, I knew that eventually I should hop on the train and make a contribution of my own.  Being a lifetime reader and lover of EGM, I started by blogging on 1UP during the “golden years” of their podcast output, specifically the heady days of 1UP Yours and GFW Radio.  There I met quite a few kindred souls, many of which post right here nowadays.

SquadCast Even though I enjoy writing, talking incessantly while enjoying the sound of my own voice has always been my preferred method of communication.  So, podcasting became a natural way for me to exert my avarice for silence and contribute to the gaming community at large.  Currently, I host and co-produce the Squadron of Shame’s “Squadcast”, a semi-regular podcast where each episode has me and a handful of my fellow “Squaddies” dissecting and discussing under-appreciated games at length.

With the recent announcement of EGM and Bitmob’s upcoming partnership, I’m pretty stoked about the future of the Bitmob community.  I can’t wait to see how the site evolves and wouldn’t miss the journey for world.  Viva la EGM!

Thanks for reading – Chris

UPDATE! – If you’re on Twitter, follow me and I’ll follow you back.