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Maybe if Gift of the Yeti does well, Mass Effect 3 will be a Facebook app exclusive. Maybe….

News Blips:

Gift of the Yeti

BioWare is going to donate up to $10,000 to Child’s Play Charity for people simply playing their new Facebook game/app Gift of the Yeti. Furthermore, those who play the game will get ten bucks off of Dragon Age: Origins. It’s almost a disservice to the world for you not to play. [Destructoid]  

The founder of Traveler’s Tales, Jon Burton, has stated that “the PSP Go will die” unless the digital games are sold for less than their UMD counterparts. He cites being able to buy the UMD version of a game cheaper at Amazon (for example) and having the option to resell it later as reason to not go digital. Let’s hope Sony listens and doesn’t make the UMD go the way of the Beta. [Joystiq]

Take-Two chairman Strauss Zelnick “(doesn’t) feel that (Grand Theft Auto) ought to be an annualized franchise.” In an interview with an investment analyst, Zelnick noted the balance between the time it takes to make a strong title in the franchise and having people satisfied yet excited for the next installment as something to consider in regards to annual sequels. They better hope that people who play GTA as a destructive outlet don’t resort to real-world destruction without their yearly fix. [Kotaku]

A new report by the Federal Trade Commission states that the video game industry “outpaces” all other media industries as far as advertising and responsible marketing go. They found that by way of visible ratings, retailers are doing well in not selling adult games to underage consumers and that advertisements for said games are for the most part not inappropriately targeted at children. How true can these findings really be though since there’s still violence in the world? []

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