This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

The aural destruction of last week’s special edition is over! Thanks so much — or not so much —  to everyone who submitted.

This week, only one of my selections comes from the current console generation. Oh, those long dead days of great video game music….

But wait a second! The community swooped in to disprove my misdirected, nostalgic reverence with some great tunes pumped out of sound chips minted after 2002.

Ryan Conway once again illustrates that the bombast of Henry Hatsworth knows no bounds. Bitmob funnyman Travis McReynolds shows how inspired Media Molecule’s indie-infused LittleBigPlanet soundtrack truly is. And make sure to check out Jasmine Maleficent Rea’s lazy, smokey jazz tune. It’s definitely a class act — great from the first needle-drop record crackle to the last whisk of drum brush.

For any newcomers, hit the jump to find out more about submission guidelines.


I’ve got two ways to get you hummin’ along:

Method 1: Pick and Choose

My Selections

1) Jurassic Park — Mountains Theme*

2) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker — Title

3) Street Fighter 2 — Guile’s Stage*

4) Chrono Cross — Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World

5) Everyday Shooter — Porco in the Sky

6) Fear Effect — Main Menu*

7) Croc: Legend of the Gobbos — And So the Adventure Begins

8) Mega Man 3 — Proto Man’s Theme (Whistle Concert)

Community Selections

9) Jet Grind Radio — Everybody Jump Around (by Richard Jacques) suggested by J. Cosmo Cohen

10) Maken X — Theme of Love suggested by Jasmine Maleficent Rea

11) Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure — Heavy Metal suggested by Ryan Conway

12) Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee — Intro Theme* suggested by Toby Davis

13) LittleBigPlanet — My Patch (by Jim Noir) suggested by Travis McReynolds

14) Final Fantasy Tactics — Battle on the Bridge suggested by Aaron Rivers

15) Shatter — Kinetic Harvest suggested by Brian Shirk (++good)

Method 2: Let It Ride

(Click here to listen in a separate window.)

For all you newcomers, here’s how it works. There are few simple rules/guidelines for submitting songs:

1) Every week I will post 15 well-known — and not-so-well-known — songs.

2) For each post, I will choose as many as 14 community suggestions to put toward the 15. I will make up any shortfall.

3) Songs from music games with original music and licensed songs from game soundtracks like Grand Theft Auto are OK. Submissions from games like Guitar Hero or Rock Band will not be accepted. Otherwise, this post may turn into a competition between people’s favorite bands.

4) Each week, I will select one song as the Double-Plus Good Pick of the Week. The winner will receive exactly nothing save that their song will be featured last and will have a “++good” marker next to it.

5) Only one submission response per person, per week.

Finally, if you’d like to win the Double-Plus Good Song of the Week, try to think of an obscure song or a song you think I have overlooked in previous posts.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who submitted last week — and to everyone else for suffering through some of the worst songs in video game history.