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Excessive blood in video games is not a strange concept in today’s violence obsessed society. While the frequent sightings of blood splatters in BioWare’s Dragon Age: Origins never once phased me, the completely apathetic reaction by the characters to being covered head to toe in somebody (or something) else’s blood was something that never ceased to be oddly distracting throughout my experience playing it.

Whether you’ve just slain a few rats in the kitchen or slaughtered your way past a dozen bandits, the characters in Dragon Age: Origins get absolutely covered in the red stuff. Sure it’s excessive but it’s also funny: when you trigger a dialog scene it’s rather amusing to watch your main character and his/her companions have a nice little chit-chat, seemingly uncaring of the fact that their clothes and faces are completely spattered in blood, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Why yes, kind sir, I rather do enjoy the taste and scent of demon blood on my lips as I tell you all about my past!

Dragon Age: Origins Blood Spattered