It almost feels like it's the '90s again! Capcom's releasing a new Mega Man game — one that retains the look and feel of its two-decade-old predecessors. But what good is a game without a creative marketing campaign? In that vein, how successful could a "retro" game be without an equally retro advertisement?

Since Capcom refuses to deliver on the concept, the folks at Viso Games have taken it upon themselves to set the stage for Mega Man 10's Xbox Live Arcade release!

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It's been a long time since I've seen a television explosion accompanied by a shrill progressive rock track. But it's the painfully average pre-teen's look of complete stupidity that truly consummates the entire video. Congratulations, this ad is as authentic as possible.

The '80s and '90s were periods I will never understand — but I'll always love 'em [via Viso Games].