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This isn’t going to be a traditional review of Darksiders, plenty of other people have done that already and they all pretty much agree, it’s a really good game. I just finished it today and I can say it’s very well made, and I’ve enjoyed the crap out of it. Yes, it borrows from every other game you can imagine, but so what? Star Wars was practically a Chinese menu of other movies (a little Kurosawa from Column A, a little Flash Gordon from Column B), and we all know that worked out pretty well, didn’t it?


I needed a fire breathing horse to carry all my videogame baggage.


The real reason you should plunk your dinero down to purchase Darksiders is because it’s a real game from a new developer, and God knows we need to support them.

Think about it for a second. We’ve all read the stories about the amount of layoffs across the videogame industry in 2009. One thing I can guarantee you is that these layoffs will not staunch the flow of Carnival Games, iPhone games, and licensed garbage being shoveled onto the Wii. What is far less likely is that the next Dead Space will get the eight figure budget it needs to get off the ground. That’s where companies like Vigil Games become so important. Joe Madureria formed Vigil because he has a passion for games, and because he had made a name for himself in the comic book field, Vigil was able to secure enough financing from THQ to turn out what most of us would recognize as an actual video game.

I don’t want to go all Chicken Little on everyone and say the sky is falling, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility to expect that with the rise of Natal, whatever Sony is calling their waggle wand, and the continued Wii steamroller, the type of game that most of us know and love could become a very small piece of the overall gaming pie.

Don’t think this is possible?


Remember when Flight Sims were all the rage?

Yeah. Me either.