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1 March 2010
Today I was forced to pay a visit to the "punishment prefect" for repeated indiscretions…twice. Perhaps it had something to do with the five minute rampage I went on against anyone and everyone. I prefer to think they just have it in for me. Yeah, that must be it. It couldn't possibly relate to all the bullying and vandalism I've been engaging in as an attempt to test the boundaries. Anyway, my punishment was to mow the lawn. In game terms, that just means drive around on a ride-on-mower until you've cut 80% of the grass, which takes around 30 seconds at most. It all feels very tedious, which I presume is the point.

Jimmy is not the only one (supposedly) being trained out of his bad behaviour; I am too. Or if I decide to keep up this recklessly aggressive approach, I will have to bear the consequences. It seems like a very clever underhanded ploy to get us acting civilised more often in real life, solving our problems with words and thoughtfulness rather than violence and anger. I wonder if that was ever intended. I would say it isn't, but I know that Rockstar like to sneak in a lot of social commentary, so I wouldn't put it past them.

I unlocked a green ninja outfit for attacking a certain number of prefects — or so it appears, since the "outfit unlocked" prompt came up when I attacked a nearby prefect. I don't recall how I went about unlocking the other costumes I have, which, by memory, include a red ninja outfit, my boxing uniform, my Halloween costume, and my wrestling uniform. It's a nice touch, since you can choose your clothes and customise outfits just like in Grand Theft Auto 3: San Andreas. I enjoy these kinds of achievements — where the reward is something that can be used in-game, albeit for purely aesthetic reasons.

I killed a rat! And it's not an RPG. Wow, I never thought I would get the chance to do that. What was I doing hunting rats, you ask? Well, I was exploring under the school, just for the hell of it — no other reason; I like exploring.

Listening to nerds try to talk like gangsters has always entertained me. As with everything else, Rockstar seems to be right on the money for how pathetic yet thoroughly entertaining that can sound when they try to do the act sincerely. There's nothing quite like a fat kid with glasses, a slight lisp, and a retainer talking like he's a hardcore rapper from the ghetto.

I also got to revisit the carnival — this time for story purposes. I needed to travel to the Fun House to save the Nerds from some marauding Jocks — I suppose because they are too weak and feeble to fend for themselves, or something like that. I love the appearance of the Fun House, and the music that plays there. But the real highlight was trying to guide the Nerds out of the Fun House, which includes a maze, a graveyard, and various traps. The presentation on this mission was fantastic, and the twist on the standard escort formula is a welcome change. Unfortunately, I failed the mission. So I'm gonna have to try again tomorrow.

Bully graveyard screenshot

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