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I used to do these Larry King / Mike Lupica style brain dumps quite often back in the 1UP days. This is the first time I've tried it here on Bitmob. Hope you enjoy.

  • Let's be honest, folks. Heavy Rain does many things right: it's a great looking game, the tension during dramatic moments is conveyed well through the controls, and it deserves kudos for being adult without being immature. That said, people saying it's the game of the year are nuts. By attempting to have your choices affect the story, the tale gets muddled and broken depending on what you do. Also, the dialogue and voice acting is laughable in such a big budget game.


  • Final Fantasy XIII sort of seems like a "must-win" for Japan, doesn't it? I'm not the first to say it, but Japanese developed games are in danger of becoming irrelevant in America.


  • After playing the two DLC packs for Assassin's Creed 2, I'd like to salute whomever at Ubisoft decided to cut them in the first place. They're clearly a step below the rest of the game in quality, and they break the pacing of the story.


  • Speaking of Assassin's Creed 2, it got me thinking that I'd like to see more games try interesting settings. I loved the backdrop of Renaissance Italy in an open-world game. How about London or New York during gaslight times, or colonial America?


  • There seems to be a growing sentiment that sequels are the devil. In the last few months, I've played Uncharted 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Mass Effect 2. Apparently, Satan is my master.


  • If there's a PC game that needs a console port, it's Torchlight. That game is tons of fun, it's super accessible, and more people need to try it. I'm fairly certain the control scheme would make the journey to a console controller unscathed.


  • Every time I turn my PSP on, I have to plug it in and recharge it before I can use it. This is not a good sign.


  • Great to see Darksiders getting even more love now that the demo has been released. 


  • Whose turn is it to remind me not to buy a baseball game this season? It's the same story every year: I spend $60, play it for 5 days, get bored, and never play again.


  • In 2007, I thought about BioShock for weeks after finishing it. I went back and played bits of it over for Achievements, or to show it off to friends. After finishing Bioshock 2, I traded it in the next day. That about sums it up.


  • Has an American developer ever attempted to make a Japanese-style Role-Playing game? Why not?


That's mostly everything that's rattling around in my head for now. If this goes over well around these parts, it's something I'll definitely continue.