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I can't believe this hasn't sparked an insurgence of videos, pictures, and general internet memery, but perhaps I can help start it.
Within the first two hours of Final Fantasy 13, the player is introduced to Hope, a young boy who also happens to be a main player. But more importantly, we're acquainted with Hope's Mom. She doesn't have a name (I don't think), but it matters very little. She's memorable for only one reason: a magnificent, cringe-inducing line of dialogue, spoken with perfection, that easily rests near the top of video game writing as one of the worst spoken and written pieces to ever breach a big-budget game, and I mean that with all sincerity.
"Moms are tough," she states after firing a rocket launcher into a giant ship, a ship that was about to decimate another major character, Snow. She speaks it to Snow, letting him know that without her toughness, he'd be a goner.
He believes her. I laugh.
Two seconds later, I laugh even harder. Here's why: She dies!
"Moms are tough," she affirmed Snow. The same ship that Mom sent careening away from Snow, returns. But this time it smashes the very platform her and others are standing upon. Of course, they all fall down and begin sliding towards the edge, unable to prevent themselves from going over. But Snow, the only one able to hold on, grabs Mom at the last second. Then when Snow is hanging on to her hand, preventing her from falling down a deep, dark chasm, she lets go of his hand, giving him a nod, saying-without-speaking, It's okay.
As far as I know, she dies. Perhaps she isn't dead, though, and I'll meet up with her in a later event. But if she doesn't come zombie-walking back into the story, I have to wonder: how tough are moms? Or better: how tough is Hope's mom? Snow, after unsuccessfully trying to save Mom, then himself falls down the very same chasm! And lives!
And so it goes.
"Mom's are tough" is, as far as I'm concerned, an unspoken, universal truth. I watched my wonderful wife birth all three of our children, the second two of which she did without any pain killers. Tough is an understatement.
So Bitmob, if we're going to get this meme rolling, start Tweeting it now. Send your friends text messages at four in the morning. Tag every story with it. Sign your emails with these words of wisdom. Have it as your forum signature. Whatever.
Get the word out: "Moms are tough."