This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

MadworldEditor's note: Bitmob Backlog Brigade is back! In this next edition, Alex would like to initiate a community discussion around Madworld. If you're interested, read on for the details. -Rob

The Backlog Brigade soldiers on, but this second installment is constructed very differently from the first. Although, a majority of you probably don't even know what the BBB (Bitmob Backlog Brigade — not the Better Business Bureau) is, so allow me to explain.

We all have ever expanding piles of games that we keep telling ourselves we'll eventually play — some of these titles might even still be in their plastic wrapping.

One of our biggest hurdles to actually achieving the lofty goal of playing and completing them all is time. With each year that passes, the games on our backlog — or "pile of shame" — get older and more obscure.

Well, my friend, the Backlog Brigade is here to help make the process easier. Now, you don't have to play alone; you've got support! One of the best parts of playing a new game is the ability to discuss the experience with others. The BBB seeks to replicate that environment for older games that have been tossed into your pile of empty promises.


In this edition, we'll be tackling Madworld for the Wii. Joining in couldn't be any easier — just shoot me an email at bloodstains85[at]gmail[dot]com with the subject: "Madworld Backlog Brigade." Let me know where and how you plan to discuss the game, and include any contact information if you wish to converse with other participants

If you plan to use something public, like Twitter, then I will monitor your feed and copy any conversations that spark up. If you're going to talk one-on-one with someone via AIM or Google Chat, please save your conversations and email them to me.


I'll send out an email to all of the participants that holds everyone's contact information. If you'd like your AIM screen name (or anything else) kept private, either don't include that information or provide a special note stating so. As long as you email me your conversations, it shouldn't matter.

Hopefully, I'll get a lot of responses and we can start soon. Either way, you'll receive an email containing the other participants' means of discussion within the week. Otherwise, you're more than welcome to start the game early outside of the simulated "time bubble" of the Backlog Brigade. But just know that Madworld is only about five hours long, and I have no plans on organizing a mass discussion at the end of the playthrough as of now.

The final post will be a collection of what I thought were the best and most relevant conversations.

So…let's get crackin' on all of that built-up shame!