This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

The Bitmob Featured Community Writer is a new series where we focus on you, the Bitmob community member. We'll dust off your old articles and give you your just reward: more eyeballs on your writing. We're featuring some of your favorites, some you may have overlooked, and maybe even you!

Daniel FeitOur last Featured Community Writer was a hit as Patrick Bonk's fans came out in support and he made a few new ones. Knowing the Bitmob community, I'm not surprised. I now present our next featured community writer: Daniel Feit.

If you read Bitmob, you're probably familiar with Mr. Feit, or at least his articles. He's no stranger to the front page and his Mobfeed posts always get a good response. He's one of our favorite writers because he's on-point, he's relevant, and he's an excellent writer. If you were looking for a Bitmob role-model, Daniel Feit is a prime candidate.

Daniel has a unique perspective here at Bitmob, as he is one a few contributors currently living in Japan. His articles have an "American living abroad" feel to them, so I will always click on something he's written. His subject matter is very diverse, ranging from commentary on specific games to much larger, industry-wide issues.

Aside from posting on Bitmob, he's a freelance writer for Wired's Gamelife blog and runs his own website at My favorite place to find him, however, is his Twitter account, where he posts hilarious observations on Japanese media and its interpretation of American culture.

Let's take a look at some of his work….


Meet the Mob: Daniel Feit — A hilarious look at NX-42 Writing and Educational Unit, also know as "Daniel Feit."

A Twitterview with Daniel Feit — More than you could possibly ever want to know about Daniel, compiled through Twitter.

Front-page Posts

My Gaming Decade: 2000-2009 — The past 10 years of video games through the eyes of a single gamer.

Let Our Games Roam (Region) Free — Detailing the frustrations of an American in Japan dealing with region locks.

Inspirational Basterds: More Talking, Less Shooting — Inglourious Basterds inspires Daniel to examine how violence and human interaction are used in movies and video games.

From the Mobfeed

Symphony of the Nostalgia: My Return to Castle Dracula — Daniel goes back to the classic Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, but this time in Japanese.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Revisiting the Ancient Horror of 2002: Eternal Darkness — In another look back at a not-so-old game, Daniel takes on Eternal Darkness.

Tell a (Belated) Tale of TGS — A great recap of a freelancer's time at the Tokyo Game Show.

Want to be a Featured Community Writer? The best way to get featured in this series is to register with Bitmob and start contributing! You'll have to use your real name and it wouldn't hurt to write a Meet the Mob post about yourself and tag it with "Meet the Mob." If you have a favorite Bitmob community writer and want to nominate them, send me an email at