This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

President Barack Obama (right) goes over edits with head speechwriter
Jon Favreau (left) in the Oval Office while preparing for the president's address
to a joint session of Congress on Sept. 9, 2009. Photo courtesy The White House.

My favorite aspect of Bitmob is editing stories from the community for promotion to the front page. I would rather do that than write a piece myself — after all, aren't community submissions at the heart of what we do at Bitmob?

I receive a number of questions on writing from Bitmob community members, and many of these queries deal with grammar and style. Next week, I'm going to go over five of the most common grammar and style issues we find in the posts we edit on the front page.


But this wouldn't be much of a Bitmob post if we didn't involve the community: In addition to asking the editors for their lists of common grammar and style issues, I'd like the community to mention what they might like to see in the post in the comments section. Note: I'm not fielding questions on story structure; I want to talk about topics such as comma use.

Deadline for questions is 9 p.m. Pacific time Wednesday Friday.