This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.
Welcome to the Bitmob Community Jukebox! This week's round of ditties is chock-full of community-submitted aural delight. We've got songs from soon-sequelized Fat Princess, 8-bit-era Final Fantasy, and a secret Strong Bad game that isn't a Telltale-developed adventure title.
Make sure to check out Bitmob moderator Lance Darnell's pick: It comes from an adorable iPhone title. Our friend from across the pond, Alex Martin, selected a beautiful orchestral track from Eternal Sonata, and Field Week organizer Alex R. Cronk-Young jumped in with a Shaq attack! Don't miss it.
Also, a small announcement: Next week is the 40th edition of the Jukebox — a multiple of 10 — and that means it's special-edition time again. To celebrate the upcoming release of Super Mario Galaxy 2, I've decided to go with a Mario-themed post for next week. All you have to do to join in the fun is choose a song from any game that features everyone's favorite Italian plumber as the main character. Also, just for next week, don't worry about duplicate submissions from prior posts. If another Bitmobber already nabbed your favorite Mario tune in a previous Jukebox, go ahead and submit your choice anyway.
Want to know how to share songs with the community? Hit the jump to find out more.
I've got three ways to rock the block:
Method 1: Pick and Choose
Community Selections
1) Fat Princess — Title Screen
2) Stinkoman 20X6 — Level 1.1*
4) Beyond Good and Evil — Home Sweet Home
5) Final Fantasy — Matoya's Cave
6) Sonny 2 — The Final Encounter*
7) Shaq Fu — Voodoo Stage suggested by Alex R. Cronk-Young
8) New Super Mario Bros. Wii — Volcano suggested by Ryan Conway
9) Final Fantasy 13 — Restricted Area suggested by Travis McReynolds
10) God of War — Zues' Wrath Divine suggested by Bryan Glynn
11) One Piece: Grand Adventure — Skypeia suggested by Chris Hoadley
12) Eternal Sonata — Pyroxene of the Heart suggested by Alex Martin
13) Ninja Gaiden Trilogy: Ninja Gaiden 3 — Laboratory* suggested by Jimmy Flores
14) Pig Rush — Theme* suggested by Lance Darnell
15) X-Men 2: Clone Wars — Climbing the Temple* suggested Michael Pangelina (++good)
Method 2: Let It Ride
(Click here to listen in a separate window.)
Method 3: I'm Tired of This Playlist
Tired of this week's Jukebox selections? Want to scope which classic songs other Bitmobbers have already nabbed? Then check out The Bitmob Community Jukebox Archive. Contributor Evan Killham created — and maintains — a comprehensive list of every song that the community and I have ever chosen.
With hundreds of tunes available in the Archive, you don't need to fret if this week's jams aren't to your taste. Just click the link, and the records keep on spinnin'!
For all you newcomers, here's how it works — I've got just two simple rules for submitting songs:
1) Songs from music games with original music and licensed songs from game soundtracks like Grand Theft Auto are OK. Submissions from games like Guitar Hero or Rock Band will not be accepted. Otherwise, this post may turn into a competition between people's favorite bands.
2) Only one submission response per person, per week.
When you've thought of a selection, put it in the comments below. And don't worry about the theme you see in the title of the post — I name each edition retroactively.
I will always try to find the official name of any song I use — whether it comes from myself or the community. If I am unable to verify a song's title, I will mark it with an asterisk (*).
Finally, if you'd like to win the Double-Plus Good Song of the Week (the weekly best of award), try to think of an obscure song or a song you think the community and I have overlooked in previous posts.
P.S. Make sure to choose a Mario tune!