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Editor's note: Field Week impresario Alex rounds up the activities for Day 3 of this Bitmob/1UP community collaboration/celebration. I'm especially interested in seeing what comes out of Chris Hoadley's writing challenge. -Jason
Enjoying the Bitmob/1UP Field Week so far? I sure hope so! But don't worry: We're only to the halfway point. Cody Winn and I have lined up a whole week's worth of activities for you to participate in — thanks to the great Bitmob and 1UP communities.
Still, today is one of my favorites of Field Week. I'm excited about all of these events — I just wish I had more time to actually take part in them. But that's to your benefit, dear reader, because you aren't writing this right now…so you've got more time to go and get involved in the events! Yay!
Write a Video-Game Song Challenge
Alex Martin wants you to show off your musical abilities and put together a song about the medium we all know and love, video games. It doesn't matter if you can't cover the music side, though, because someone else might not feel inspired on the lyric-writing end. So you can always throw your hat in the ring via the comments and maybe a collaboration will spark up.
Extended Commentary Writing Challenge
The ever inventive Chris Hoadley is again making us think about our writing in unique ways. You know all of those incredibly long-winded comments you've left on other writers' articles? It's time to polish up all of that verbal diarrhea and make it article-worthy. He'll be collecting all of the results next week, so get to it!
High Score Challenge No. 2: Dolphin Olympics 2
Jeff Grubb, one of the hosts of Bitmob's community-centric podcast Pixel Revolt, is back with a second day-long High Score Challenge. He's being a real jerk-face about it, too, because he knows very well that I suck at Dolphin Olympics 2. Oh, well, I'm not eligible for his fabulous prize anyway. I'd just like the affirmation that I'm better than other people at something. Is that too much to ask?
Bitmobbers on Twitter Day Three
Lance Darnell keeps Bitmobbers on Twitter going all this week. It remains the easiest and most entertaining way to possibly win a prize during Field Week. Click on over and find out what Lance wants us to discuss/joke about today, and get over to Twitter to join in.
Every morning Chris "Cosmo" Ross has been sharing his random gaming thoughts with us and then challenging the community to respond in creative ways. I've really enjoyed seeing what he thinks up next, and you don't have an excuse for not responding; it only takes a few minutes.
Over at 1UP
Cody and the 1UP community are bringing the heat today. One member has started a story of the Bitmob and 1UP staff that you're tasked with continuing in the comments, and another has issued a writing challenge that asks you to create a game plot by only seeing the box art. Plus a doodle contest and a game quotes crossword puzzle! So what are you waiting for?
And don't forget
Our community has cooked up even more activities that are running concurrently to Field Week:
Trevor Hinkle's Year in Review callout.
Michael Rousseau's Fog of War writing prompt.
Community manager Andrew Hiscock's walkthrough callout.
Omar Yusuf's Gamer Tourism community homework assignment.
They're ongoing throughout the week, but participate before time runs out!