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Please excuse the hipsters, the cons, the famous, the poor, the pompous, the dangerous, the ugly, and the over-the-top beautiful.

Because during summer, comes the single most exciting time of the year for gamers. The mecca of gaming, the superbowl for the 1337, it's time for the Electronic Entertainment Expo!!

No other time during the year do this many video game companies come together to have fun and report the news. Speculation over what will be shown at E3 goes on for months, aftermath goes till the holiday season. There are always winners, losers, and surprises–Heck, I think you can still find StarCraft Ghost circulating the floor.

Demo discs are passed out with super cool collectables, "Do I need this Mega-Man pin? HELL YES I DO!" Lines to play games are wrapped around booths, but the chance to be one of few to play an unrealesed game is truly something.

E3 has gone through many changes over the years, such as locations, attendance, and booth babes (and the return of booth babes). But if you're lucky enough to attend the once a year fiasco, rest assured you're going to be in for a hell of a treat.


If you're looking for other things to do outside of E3 I guess you could go to the beach, Hollywood, Disneyland, Universal Studios, a Dodger game, hiking, or celebrity stalking =D