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If Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days was an actual documentary, it'd be the most intense movie ever and would kick all of the film festivals in the face.

Video Blips:
• Just like the upcoming Karate Kid movie, Kane & Lynch 2 has a fish-out-of-water story with Americans in China. The main difference being Kane's not nearly as adorable as Jayden Smith. [GameTrailers]
After the break, you'll find trailers for a PBS feature on Video Games Live, Red Faction: Armageddon, and The Sims 3's console debut.

• Watching Video Games Live perform all of these iconic video game themes is a bit surreal. Now whenever I play these games, I'm going to imagine a tiny symphony inside my consoles playing the music. [GameVideos]

• Red Faction: Armageddon's Darius Mason seems lonely as he runs around Mars all by himself. Then viscous Martians come to keep him company, and he just kills them? I guess he likes being alone. [GameVideos]

• The way these people talk about it, you would think that The Sims 3 on consoles is the second coming of Grand Theft Auto 4. Since when could you steal cars in the Sims? [GameTrailers]