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Editor's note: Rather than drum up a list of tired E3 announcement predictions, Alex gazes into his crystal ball and tells us what we won't be seeing at this year's expo. All his guesses seem perfectly logical to me. -James

As E3 approaches, it brings with it a slew of predictions from every game site and podcast imaginable. Since so many leaks slip out before the show every year, this trend can often get pretty dry. In the span of a few days, game companies disprove the press' elaborate guessing games, and everyone else forgets everything they said in the first place. No one ever manages to guess the real surprises: Did anyone guess that Nintendo and Valve would announce Metroid: Other M or Left 4 Dead 2 last year?

So rather than go through the whole rigmarole of a prediction post, I figured I would highlight the news we are sure to not see coming out of this year's Expo. After all, it's easier to predict what won't happen than what will. You have a much better chance of success. Here are five things that I am fairly confident you won't see in any E3 2010-related news. Feel free to add your own ideas in the comments.

Nintendo Announces Star Fox for the Wii

I'm putting this on the list because I'm sick of Nintendo disappointing me, and I need to let go. A new Star Fox for the Wii — that plays like the SNES and N64 installments — is so obvious that Nintendo will probably never do it. If they want to get buzz behind their conference like they did last year with Metroid: Other M, this would be a game to do it. But I imagine they are going to coast on a new Zelda title this year. I need to let go of my dream for a new Star Fox in the same way all those misled Kid Icarus nostalgists need to.


Microsoft Announces a Portable System

Despite countless cool-looking mock-ups and rumors, Microsoft would be crazy to jump into the handheld market right now. As a company, Microsoft isn't content to be in the middle of the pack and always strives to dominate. Unless the folks at Microsoft are ready to throw everything they have behind a product, they won't put it out. E3 2010 is all about the Natal. Not to mention that Nintendo will be focusing on the 3DS, and Sony is probably going to do something with PSP, too — the PSP 2 perhaps?

Nintendo Mentions Virtual Console…at All

Does Nintendo even remember that Virtual Console exists? I think the guy that they put in charge of pulling the new-game lever at Nintendo of America has Alzheimer's and only remembers to pull it on his good days. Most of the time this fellow probably stumbles around not sure of who he is and only realizes he hasn't pulled the lever once every three weeks during a rare lucid moment. And then we get Kirby Super Star. Since they already ignore Virtual Console, and their hands are full with the 3DS, a new Zelda, and…uh…the release of a black Wii, it's pretty obvious we won't be hearing much about new Virtual Console releases.

People Come Away Excited About the PlayStation Move

I'm not entirely sure why Sony is worrying about trying to launch this peripheral when they're bringing up the rear in sales and have a struggling handheld they need to give a kick in the ass. But as with Natal, Sony would have to get everything just right to not have gamers meet them with complete indifference. And let's face it: It isn't going to happen.

People Come Away Excited About Project Natal

Gamers are generally skeptical and quick with the snarky quips. With a subject as touchy as motion control, Microsoft needs to address three main concerns: the tech, the price, and the games. Do you really think all three of these components will be perfect enough to make jaded journalists walk out of the conference acting like little kids who were just told they could have a puppy? We're already hearing rumors of a $150 price tag on Microsoft's bad boy, which could easily be a deathblow itself. It seems unfeasible that Microsoft will nail down every important detail.

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