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EA is still putting out games for every one. See what they showed at their Press Conference.


Need for Speed– The game features a seemingly deep career online mode and online leader board. The two player cops versus racer mode looks fun. I loved the game when this game was called Chase HQ. I will buy the game if it comes with that crazy Euro haircut the producer had.

Dead Space 2: Visually impressive with many new weapons however I don’t like killing demon babies or the any horror games for that matter. The game looks like my nightmare waiting to happen in a good way for those of you that like the previous version.

Medal of Honor– EA showed a round of multiplayer with 18 people standing on stage. They announced that DICE (the people that created the Battlefield: Bad Company) helped create multiplayer. I struggled to find similarities besides the graphical fidelity and look of the landscape. It was hard to tell if there was destructible environments. Multi-player beta starts June 21.

EA Gun Club– EA announced a way for gamers that love EA shooter games to get more from their games when they purchase ALL of their Shooters. When translated means you get exclusive items/modes when you buy each game new…. yay/nay?

Battlefield: Bad Company Vietnam– *Threadless Tee-shirt Pitchman (listen a little past halfway)* “Are you sitting down?  Good! Imagine if you will, another Battlefield game… This time we will set it in Vietnam… We will call it Battlefield: Bad Company Vietnam. Million seller!” No pictures shown with the exception of a helicopter flying over a jungle.

MMA- A new Mixed Martial Arts sports franchise using fighters from Strikeforce (and possibly Dream) has been created to compete against the UFC Undisputed series. MMA boasts diverse styles, rules and “complex controls”. First gen fighting games are rarely polished enough to warrant a buy however EA's boxing games are pretty good and they are using the Fight Night engine.

EA Sports Live Broadcast- Peter Moore announced that EA has produced a new way to play games online. EA will allow you to play the game and as you rise through the online ranks you will be treated like a professional athlete winning real prizes. You may play in broadcasted matches as a true cyber athlete. Welcome to Korea folks.

EA Sports Active 2– Heart rate monitors, computer progress monitoring and tracking, sports equipment and running in place, What more could you want? PS3 and Nintendo use motion sensors while Microsoft uses full body tracking with Kinect. It looks like a prettier version of Wii Sport’s Resort.

Madden 11– Ugh. As a former football player, coach and Madden junkie. Madden 11 still fails to make any drastic leap as per usual. They interviewed Joe Montana about his personal experiences… Play calling changes for this upcoming year is that the computer AI will act as your coach calling the plays. Also 3v3 online games going against my prediction from 2 years ago that they would have 11 v 11 online games.

Realistic new grass animations and player models for Madden 11…


Sims 3– Free will… EA cannot predict what the game will do. Result, the Sims have more free will than we do. Great… The Sims will come to consoles and will be playable online.

Crysis 2– This game is told to have the smartest AI of any FPS games and a “linear sandbox” experience. The environments did not seem destructible and the game will be in 3D. This game is a stunning visual experience even without 3D.

Bullet Storm– Cliff B’s new IP prides it self on a vast swear word vocabulary and large amounts of violence revealing the quote of the show so far “You scared the dick off me”. To me the game looks like it has combined borderlands style art with Crysis level detail. The game encourages new and different ways to kill enemies. To me it just looked like variations of “laser lasso,” shooting and rodeo-style “heel kicking” people. The game ships Feb 22, 2011.

Star Wars: The Old Republic– Boiware and Lucas Arts showed a new game that looks beautiful but shows that the IP is starting to take on a GI Joe like personality. Little grit, lots of shooting and one superhero running through a vast field of laser bolts unscathed. The game is losing any ability to keep a Star Wars diehard fan (myself) satisfied.

"Mee-sa ruin your favorite childhood stories and da greatest IP of all-time?  Brrrrrr, me not likes da sound of dat."


What are your thoughts on the EA confrence?