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With the announcement of the Nintendo 3DS, a DS that renders in three-dimensions, the company is looking for some killer-apps to sell the contraption. While they have some original titles coming down the pipe, there are only two that stick out in my mind: Star Fox 64 3D and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.

“But Marty,” you say, “aren’t those games over a decade old?” You would be correct, Internet! In fact one of them still has the iconic “64” stuck in the title. Regardless, Nintendo is giving them a James Cameron makeover and releasing them on their new machine. While this isn’t the first time they’ve double-dipped, this one really hits home: I consider Ocarina of Time one of the greatest games of all-time. Period.



Nintendo knows this; Nintendo knows that they have these masterpieces they can endlessly resell by relying on pure nostalgia to move units. Is it because Nintendo doesn’t have faith that their new hardware will sell without a gimmick on top of the gimmick the hardware is based upon? Or does Nintendo care enough about its fans to give them their favorite games again and again?

Without having hands-on time with the device, I personally can’t say if the 3D is enough to warrant a new device. The new analog stick is a welcome change and I’m glad they’ve included the ability to control the amount of 3D-ness happening on the screen. I just feel like it’s a cop-out on Nintendo’s part. They claim to have created this new and revolutionary experience; why don’t they create new content for it?

Don’t think I’m upset with Nintendo; I’m just resentful. I’m a sucker. I’ll be buying a Nintendo 3DS the day that these two games come out. I just wish Nintendo would stop using these tactics to literally take bills out of my wallet. What do you think, Internet?