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After a year or two of telling myself that I needed to buy a Playstation 3, I finally broke down and bought a Wii. The reason was simple. I was in the market to buy a new console and so I grabbed a paper and made 4 lists: PS3 Now, Wii Now, PS3 Future and Wii Future. Each of these columns were lists of games that I wished to play. Exclusives that are available or will be available in the relatively near future. The lists heavily favoured the Wii.

Let us begin a series of posts about my experiences with my new toy. (posts subject to be infrequent).

Near the top of the "Wii Now" list was No More Heroes. A game where you save by pooping. I didn't know this before I purchased it. Had I known, it may not have made it on this list. Everybody poops, but not everybody finds that funny. That said I'm happy for my ignorance because I really enjoyed this game.

I've never thought of myself as an "otaku." I do enjoy a good anime when my life crosses paths with one, but with one exception, I've never spent a lot of money on them. I can, however, relate to the whole "nerd-factor." I'm a gamer, after all. And as much as I like to slap on a tie and play the part of a dashing 20-something bachelor with a penchant for debauchery, I'm just a nerd with a shaggy hair problem. On a good day, when I tie my Full Windsor knot, I look like nothing more than a 20-something substitute teacher.

I relate to nerd culture. I point and laugh at crazy cosplay, and yet I would get turned on by a sexy young woman wearing a Zero Suit Samus outfit… or full on Samus Armour for that matter. I get down with all that. So the fact that the protagonist, Travis Touchdown, is an otaku strikes me as refreshing in this age of juiced up, battle-hardened military dudes with gruff voices.

You know what else I liked about this strange little game? It never takes itself seriously. The last post I harassed Bitmob with was a rant about how much I hated Bayonetta's stupid, useless story. What we have with No More Heroes is another stupid, useless story. But Suda 51 was aware that this was a videogame and not "A Tale of Two Cities." I'm not saying videogames shouldn’t strive to achieve that level of story-telling, but look at the subject matter and tell me that Bayonetta deserved the amount and length of cutscenes it had.

Travis Touchdown's motivation? He wants to hit that.

Yeah, No More Heroes’ story is silly, but it's also funny. Juvenile as it may be, I laughed at a masturbation joke or two. The humour fits in with the aesthetic of the game. It's all about style and not so much substance.

Gameplay is repetitive, but kept me pushing forward. The "city," Santa Destroy, plays its role as a hub and nothing else. It has more in common with a Final Fantasy overworld than it does with Liberty City. It is devoid of life.

You do "Jobs" to earn money. These are boring but once you finish one, you won't have to do that particular job again if you don't want to. "Assassination Missions" are a lot more fun, but because they rely on combat, repetition rears its head.

As I said earlier, the style of the game is what got me through it. The cutscenes are short and entertaining even if the story is ridiculous. In fact, I found the sheer lunacy of it to be endearing. Battles are monotonous but I found them strangely satisfying, although a couple of boss encounters killed me due entirely too cheap attacks.

I'm a little conflicted with this one. I'm fully aware of its problems, but as I sit here looking back at my experience, I kind of loved it. I guess the best comparison I can make is comparing the game to that girl in high school that your friends would make fun of, but secretly you wanted nothing more than to traverse those wilds. She may not have been something special to most people, but she could be special to you.

… I compare videogames to women a lot… maybe I am an otaku.