This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.
After receiving a righteous ass-kicking upon my promotion into the Platinum League, I decided to take a break from Starcraft and play some Left 4 Dead.

Yeah, that's me there getting smoked. After a few wipes my team and I made it to the evac point. This was after we avoided car alarms, a few witches and a tank.
From there I felt like something less violent and intense. Oh, snap! Let's play bumper cars!

Man, that was crazy fun. But now I think it's time for something more classic and there's nothing more classic than a side-scrolling beat-em-up.

Wow, the final boss was intense. Maybe I should relax and stretch my creative muscle with this "create your own RPG" game.
Well, it looks like some jerk just created this large cardboard cutout smiley. All the other role-players grew angry at this vandal as it really broke the fourth wall on their scene involving the rescue of an alien princess.
Okay, I feel better now. I think I could go for a few more rounds of accessible and streamlined multiplayer with people that play at my skill level. Back to Starcraft I go!
Note: this article is inspired by the three different gents I met in one night that told me they bought Starcraft 2 soley for the user generated content. If you're hesitant about picking up Blizzard's latest and greatest, let me tell you straight-up: you never ever have to play Starcraft in Starcraft 2.
Rick Knight is a professional online copywriter, designer, and blogger basking in the potential and greatness of user-generated content. Follow him on Twitter @knightrick or visit his portfolio website,