This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.
In this week's episode, Chemical Bun Productions' Carlos Rodela joins Bitmob's Aaron Thomas, Brett Bates, and Dan Hsu.
The group hashes over the three-way motion-control war, discusses generic characters and the proliferation of downloadable games, and gives up the skinny on Bitmob 2.0.
Important note: Next week's show will feature all community topics. That means that this is your best-ever chance to enjoy the fame and glory of having your name read on-air by Mr. Dan Hsu. E-mail your ultra-awesome gaming-related topic to, subject: Mobcast.

From left to right: Dan Hsu glows like an angel as Carlos Rodela attempts to defend himself against the wicked-fast kung fu of Brett Bates. Whoa.
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