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You can tell this game is good by the "X" (for eXtreme) and the "3D" (remember when that was impressive?) in the title. It's been around for a few months, but only recently came to my attention through the Feint Game Spotlight app (which anyone who wants to find decent games for their Android should install).

It's a simple concept — use the accelerometer to steer your way down a pipe, avoiding obstacles, collecting shields and power-ups. Like Canabalt or Doodle Jump, you're scored on the distance you reach before crashing. The accelerometer controls are accurate enough for you to not feel cheated, but the speed and complexity of the course mean you'll feel just barely in control before you lose it.

It even works on my old HTC Hero. Considering Angry Birds won't run on my phone, Hyperbees should be proud of the programming contortions they pulled to make it so efficient.

There's no trial version, but it's not much of a gamble at £0.99 (about ). Point your barcode-scanning app of choice at this QR code to check it out.

The Open Feint site claims it's available on iOS devices, but I can't find it on iTunes. I've contacted developer Hyperbees to see what's going on.

Edit: This was a mistake that will be corrected soon. Sorry, iPad, iPhone, and iPod gamers.