This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

Do you like Bitmob? (Feel free to check one of those boxes to the right by drawing on your computer screen. We'll get the results, don't you worry.)

Thanks for saying "yes"! We're happy to be here. We could definitely use your support, however, to help keep us going. You see, we've made some money over the last year from advertising and a few generous donations from our community members, but we put almost all of that back into site development and server costs. We're mainly living off of our own savings at the moment.

At this time, we're looking for angel investors who can give us a tiny bit of dough to let us hire the right people that can get us to self-sustainability and profitability (if you know of anyone who'd be interested, contact us at sales [at] Until then, you can help us keep the lights on at night (and our game systems running) by doing any of the following:


1. Give our partner GameFly a try. If you become a paid subscriber to the game-rental service through this promotional link, we get a little bit of cash. Did you know you can feed two Bitmob co-founders a meal at Denny's by doing this one simple thing?

2. Give our other buddies Goozex a try. If you sign up through us and start trading games through them, we'll also get paid. Make sure to use the coupon code BITMOB to get three free tokens (click the "Optional Information" button near the bottom of the sign-up page to enter that).

3. If you have an aversion to companies that start with the letter "G," you can always just make a donation of course (this link is always available in the black footer section on every Bitmob page). With the first two methods above, you at least get something out of it. But hey, we wouldn't turn away a straight handout, minus whatever PayPal takes for their cut.

Random awesome image courtesy of

4. Or, if you're not in a position to take the wallet out to help out, just come visit Bitmob (and our advertising partners) as much as you can…and tell your friends about us as well. We've almost quadrupled our traffic from 2009, but we can only find long-term success if we continue to grow. Stop by, check out our articles, and let the authors know you like their stories by boosting (voting up) their posts, commenting on them, or sharing them on your social networking webzones.

If you're not one to visit unless someone specifically reminds you to, follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We'll let you know when cool stories hit the front page.

Thank you for your support!

The Bitmob Staff