I wouldn't be here if not for a very particular person.
Wait, I know how that sounds. Maybe I should explain a little bit better.
I would not be here on Bitmob if not for a very particular person, a snowy winter in southern Ohio, a belated Valentine's Day, and a reknewed love of fighting games.
My name is Will Harrison, though by birth I suppose you could label me William, like my official title here on the site. I could tell you all the amazing factoids about myself like my age, turn-offs, and favorite color, but before that I figured I would tell you the five most important things about me.
I'm terrified of strange noises, I have a great sense of humor (but only when applied to others, because apparently I suck at taking a joke), I have extremely smooth feet, I type over 80 words per minute, and most importantly, music and gaming saved me from myself.
Let us continue.
I'll get all the fun, facts out of the way now. Might as well, eh?
Bitmobber: Will Harrison ![](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs205.snc1/7220_510155428984_171300805_30395484_3727673_n.jpg)
Age: 25
Profession: Orderly at a crappy hospital
Locale: Gallipolis, OH
PSN: EyePawd
Deserted Island Game (with internet): World of Warcraft
Deserted Island Game (w/o internet): Final Fantasy X
Three adjectives to describe yourself: Kind, joyful, tenacious
What do you like best about BITMOB?: That I have visible proof that at least someone is reading my work.
Okay, that is out of the way. Now, I can continue with the tale.
Without Rachel Jagielski, not only would I had never found out about Bitmob, but my interest in console gaming probably would have completed died. I met my dear, wonderful girlfriend in the winter of this year when I was just wrapping up my degree at Ohio University and preparing to surrender myself to a drab life of continuing to work at the hospital I was born at and putting up with southern Ohio and all it's splendor.
Sarcasm on that last part, by the way.
Little did I know how much Rachel would not only change my life tradjectory, but also my motivation for writing. She informed me of her own work on the site when we first met (well before our coming together), and I was intrigued by the site, and her own work. I found the concept of the whole to be interesting, but didn't take it upon myself to register and write until one night after her and I began seeing each other that I mentioned an idea for an article on World of Warcraft. She supposed the idea, and away I went to write.
I think most of you reading this piece will agree that Bitmob gives all of us who are alike the chance to voice our thoughts in a forum that is of our own shape and design. We are the arbitor's of discourse here, no slave to anyone but our ideas and criticisms. So, what I have enjoyed most about my on and off experiences with Bitmob is that no matter what, my writing is a contribution (no matter how small) to the great debate and living body that is the lifestyle of being a gamer.
That's what it is, after all, isn't it? Let's not kid ourselves. The majority of us were different growing up from the rest and we knew it. Even talking about the thing we loved to those around us, our conversations were always deeper, more enthralled, and more excited. We were the kids that growing up always had adults telling us that playing games was a phase we would get out of.
Well, we haven't. We won't. Why should we?
I took comfort in gaming when sometimes I had no other comfort to take. Living in the woods of southern Ohio on 300 acres of land with nobody else living around you will do that to a kid. So, I took to videogames. But, not in a sad "after school special" kind of way. The stories games told filled me with joy, and also let me know that I was not alone.
My priest, all old school style.
Point in fact, my love of games has brought me much. Close friends, good memories, great arguements and debates, and most importantly, the person I love more than anything else in the world. After all, after I build up the nerve to talk to Rachel, I immediately complemented her on a speech she gave about LittleBigPlanet and asked her questions about other games she's played.
I thought about this scenario yesterday, and I hope you do as well: Will we still be gaming when we're elderly? Or even just older? I hope so. Really, like family treasures, I hope gaming is something I can pass down to my own children. I hope it's a link that binds us all. After all…
Gaming has always been there for me.