This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

Did those hunched-over creatures place all the bull's-eye targets around this Rage HD level? It's as if they're begging to get shot.

Video Blips:

• Rage HD for the iOS (iPad et al.) looks pretty damn sweet. And by "sweet" I mean gruesome, grimy, and gory. [GameTrailers]

Continue after the break for a commercial detailing how Sony's fake VP Kevin Butler took Gran Turismo 5 up a notch, the latest Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom developer diary, and a preview of a new Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective puzzle.


• In order to promote Gran Turismo 5, Sony's "VP of Add More Awesome" Kevin Butler commits a little grand theft auto. Check your local news for the live helicopter feed of the police pursuit. 

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• Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom puts an emphasis on teaming up with a giant plant creature to solve puzzles and fight off bad guys. I'm pretty sure that working with an overgrown plant in real life would not be nearly as exciting.

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• How do you market a game like Ghost Trick, where the gameplay involves assuming the role of an invisible ghost who moves around roasted chickens? A puzzle like that just has to be more fun to play than watch.

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