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Well, this is embarrassing. 


Do Advent Calenders count if they start eight days in? I hope so. 


Around this time of year, many sites start calenders rounding up the best of the best in the last twelve months, but I thought that this year, I might try something different for you friendly ladies and gentlemen. 


I present to you… The 2010 Bitmob ‘Astonishing Flash Games’ Partially Complete Advent Calender!


(The name needs work). 


These games were not necessarily created this year, but each are exemplary, free, and playable in your browser, kicking off today with…



Little Wheel!



Oh, it’s so beautiful. It’s so lovely. 


The emotions felt while playing Little Wheel are mainly restricted to joy, a desire to hug someone, and the tiniest twinge of annoyance that it’s so short. 


Its closest cousins are Machinarium, and Amanita Studios’ other games, which offer the same beauty and wonder but with slightly more to chew on.



Restricting itself to a slim colour palette, the art style is instantly attractive, and the frankly astonishing animation really raises the bar of what point and click browser games are capable of. 


It’s also very, very simple. Some people raised this as a criticism, but I take the view that if you enter into playing it knowing that it’s not supposed to be challenging, and more of a story experience, it will be far more enjoyable. 



Special mention should be made for the soundtrack, which is of the 'Do we call it Nue Jazz? That sounds wrong' vein. Jazz. I think it's just called jazz. Browser games so rarely get soundtrack absolutely pitch perfect, and this should be commended for matching the mood spectacularly.


This game won an MTV award for ‘Best Browser Game’. Does it deserve it? What do you think? Sound off in the comments. 


(But if you’re horrible about it, I’ll cry).