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The first fairy I remember seeing was Tinker Bell from Disney's Peter Pan.
Boy, she needs an attitude adjustment. Why are vertically challenged people stereotypically mad at the world? Carry a stepping stool. Problem solved.
She also dressed like a lady of the night. She must've been the progenitor of current fairy models, or at least the inspiration for the fairies featured in the latest console release of Castlevania.
See, I was playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and ran across some top-less fairies. I felt weird and slightly ashamed for looking at them. I kept expecting the FBI to rappel into my second-story window and drag me off to child pornography prison. It's bad there.
So I've heard.
Topless fairies serve no purpose. Well, I guess that's not entirely true. In the game, fairies can be used to distract enemies from attacking the main character. But I highly doubt itty-bitty fairy bosoms are really that much of a distraction for a werewolf, or some other ghastly beast. They walk around butt-naked. Nudity isn't a concern of theirs!
No shame!
Many people have discussed nudity and sexual content in games here on Bitmob, and I was interested to see what more of the community thought about it.
I asked this question on Twitter: Is sexual content in games pointless?
I followed-up my first question with another question: How do you feel about fairy nudity?
Here were the responses.
That's right, not a word. Can you blame them? Who wants to discuss fairy nudity in an open forum? I'm sure everyone that read my tweet saw this picture in their mind: The FBI rappels into Chris' second-story window and carries him off to child pornography prison. It's bad there.
So they've heard.
I can't wrap my mind around the need to include sexual content in games. But I'm not all of you. What do you guys think: Are topless fairies enticing imagery, or just pointless nonsense?