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The first fairy I remember seeing was Tinker Bell from Disney's Peter Pan.

Boy, she needs an attitude adjustment. Why are vertically challenged people stereotypically mad at the world? Carry a stepping stool. Problem solved.

She also dressed like a lady of the night. She must've been the progenitor of current fairy models, or at least the inspiration for the fairies featured in the latest console release of Castlevania.

See, I was playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and ran across some top-less fairies. I felt weird and slightly ashamed for looking at them. I kept expecting the FBI to rappel into my second-story window and drag me off to child pornography prison. It's bad there.

So I've heard.

Topless fairies serve no purpose. Well, I guess that's not entirely true. In the game, fairies can be used to distract enemies from attacking the main character. But I highly doubt itty-bitty fairy bosoms are really that much of a distraction for a werewolf, or some other ghastly beast. They walk around butt-naked. Nudity isn't a concern of theirs!

No shame!

Many people have discussed nudity and sexual content in games here on Bitmob, and I was interested to see what more of the community thought about it.

I asked this question on Twitter: Is sexual content in games pointless?

Bitmob community writer Alex Martin (@ADewiM) was the first to chime in. "Mostly," Alex said. He felt that Mass Effect was the closest it has ever come to not being pointless, but then shot itself in the foot by making it an achievement. "Making 'f*** this alien' a goal destroys the emotional resonance it would've had if you weren't focused on that achievement."
Juan Letona (@Juanchitomayor), another Bitmob community writer, says "Sex in games is pointless." By making "sex have reason and emotions, not just [being] risque" would help it not to be pointless.
"I think it is," says Jasmine Maleficent Rea (@vitiosuslepos), a Bitmob staff writer. "Unless it has some necessary role in the story. Every instance I'm aware of isn't necessary, however."

I followed-up my first question with another question: How do you feel about fairy nudity?

Here were the responses.

That's right, not a word. Can you blame them? Who wants to discuss fairy nudity in an open forum? I'm sure everyone that read my tweet saw this picture in their mind: The FBI rappels into Chris' second-story window and carries him off to child pornography prison. It's bad there. 

So they've heard.

I can't wrap my mind around the need to include sexual content in games. But I'm not all of you. What do you guys think: Are topless fairies enticing imagery, or just pointless nonsense?