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Back to the FutureI missed out on all the great point-and-click adventure games of yore, like Day of the Tentacle and Maniac Mansion, so when Telltale Games began releasing new adventure games I gobbled them up.

Having unleashed the floodgates on the adventure-style game drought with episodic games like Sam and Max, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, and Tales of Monkey Island, Telltale has now turned to a classic '80s movie for their next addition: Back to the Future: The Game.

Basing a game on a classic '80s film is gutsy. But I wondered what would happen if Telltale snatched up some television shows to turn into games. Here's a few that I want to see Telltale make happen.

The X-Files

Sure, there have been X-Files games before, but none of them did the series much justice. With Telltale's excellent staff of writers, solving conspiracies with Mulder and Scully would be like going to your in-laws house after years of excommunication: everyone is starting fresh, and no one remembers the time you made the joke about the penguins in the bathtub. 


The gingers are out there.

Plus, the X-Files wasn't afraid to throw-in some goofy episodes or two, ensuring Telltale could slap their signature wackiness into the package. Imagine: Mulder & Scully AND Sam & Max working together.

Gameplay Moment

You see three items in front of you, but one of them will make you sick. Choose wisely.

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Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks is perfect game fodder. Everything about the television series lends itself to great adventure-style gaming. With characters such as the Log Lady and bizarro dreams about old-age and midgets, there's literally something for everyone. The cult success of Deadly Premonition even created Twin Peaks fans that don't yet know they're Twin Peaks fans.

Sugar. Cream.

The special edition comes with a trout-shaped coffee mug and a piece of cherry pie wrapped in a plastic bag.

Gameplay Moment


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The Simpsons

Exploring and interacting with a wide and varied cast of characters is what adventure games are all about, and The Simpsons has both in spades. The show is already in cartoon form, so it wouldn't be too difficult to accurately represent the exotic locales like Moe's Tavern and Flanders' house.

That's a big couch.

Plus, there are so many usable quotes the writers would be on easy street … riding a moving sidewalk.

Gameplay Moment

Bart needs to play an April Fool's joke on Homer. Use beer, perhaps?

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Arrested Development

Think about it: Telltale could develop the game to coincide with the inevitable (ha!) movie release. Rebuilding the Banana Stand would somehow make it into the game, and helping Tobias paint himself blue (don't get paint on the cut-offs) could be quite the puzzle. Buster might need help coping with a hook, and Gob's magic shows are always in need of assistance. So many gameplay possibilities present themselves.

They seem so innocent.

Gameplay Moment

You control Tobias, who is dressed as Mrs. Featherbottom, and you must win the love of your daughter, Maeby.

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What television shows, movies, or other forms of entertainment would you love to see Telltale make into a game? Share your thoughts in the comments!