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Most years, I don't bother to make New Year's resolutions. Like most people, my resolution doesn't usually survive past the conception stage, and a year later I'm no further along. However, this year something has to give.
You see, my backlog is about to spiral out of control. Last year I really thought I would be able to catch up on all of my old games. The only games I was planning on buying were Final Fantasy 13 and Super Street Fighter 4. Unfortunately, what I wasn't taking into consideration was the fact that I was a college senior living on campus. Even though I planned my last two quarters in such a way that my classes weren't too tough, as a senior I kept busy with friends and myriad collegiate activities. Gaming took a backseat.
Another problem was the aforementioned Super Street Fighter 4. Damn it — I love that game. It has set my backlog back at least 150 hours or so.
The overriding reason that I want to catch up on my games this year is that my pile of shame is starting to strike me as downright wasteful. Many of the games I received as gifts, and it kills me to have them sitting un-played in my basement.
Last year I my plan was vague and unstructured. But with Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Dragon Age 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, and Mass Effect 2 (PS3) coming out, I need a good plan.
So without further ado, here is my 2011 Backlog Challenge:
The Plan
- I will play games one at a time. I will not make exceptions for games that just came out. They can wait their turn just like the others.
- I will try and get a Platinum Trophy in at least 2 of the games. This will discourage me from rushing through games.
- I will write a bi-weekly blog about my progress in order to stay on track.
My Current Backlog
- Assassins Creed 2
- Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
- Eternal Sonata
- Demon's Souls
- Overlord 2
- Red Dead Redemption
- Fallout 3
- Final Fantasy 13
- Prince of Persia
- Dragon Age: Origins Awakening
- Darksiders
Currently I'm working on Assassins Creed 2 — the game that I hope becomes the first in which I receive a platinum trophy.
So what does everyone think? Is my plan hopelessly flawed? Are you embarking on your own backlog challenge this year? Please let me know in the comments.
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