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Crysis 2

Crytek UK’s Hasit Zala spends his days overseeing the multiplayer component of EA’s upcoming Crysis 2, while at night he turns into the trivia-game equivalent of a pool shark. I'm just guessing about that second part, but I can only assume it's true after his performance during my 5 Hit Points quiz at a recent Crysis 2 event. Zala had me going easy on him after he flubbed the easiest question in the bunch. Then…well, read on to find out what happened.

1. Crysis 2 takes place in a Manhattan devastated by an alien invasion. What New York City landmark was the first to be demolished by the aliens in the Will Smith disaster flick Independence Day?

Hasit Zala: The White House?

Bitmob: Nope…the Empire State Building.

HZ: Maybe that’s what I wanted to happen.

Bitmob: The White House did get blown up, too — just later on.

HP remaining: 4 HP


2. Far Cry 2 requires your character to take a malaria pill every half hour or so to prevent the illness from making him go crazy. What annoying insect spreads the malaria virus?

HZ: Mosquitos.

Bitmob: Hey, you got it right!

HZ: By the way, I am terrible at trivia, you bastards. [Laughs.] Am I allowed to say that?

Bitmob: You can say whatever you want.

HP remaining: 4 HP

3. Here’s a video game-related one: In the first Crysis game, you shoot at the North Koreans. What upcoming shooter also has you swapping bullets with Korean soldiers?

HZ: Homefront?

Bitmob: There you go! Two for three!

HP Remaining: 4 HP

Crysis 2

4. Now they’re getting tougher. This is another one about video games. One of the effects of Crysis’ Nanosuit is brief invisibility. What’s the name of the specialized suit Snake wears in Metal Gear Solid 4 to blend in with his surroundings?

HZ: Camo…Snake camo suit? I can’t remember.

Bitmob: OctoCamo. We’ll give you half a point for that one.

HZ: You guys are too generous.

HP remaining: 3.5 HP

5. Here’s the last one: Between Far Cry and Crysis and Crytek, you guys are obviously big fans of crying. What’s the shocking plot twist in the 1992 movie The Crying Game?

HZ: “She” was a man!

Bitmob: Correct! That's three and a half right. I was impressed you got that last one. Not too shabby for someone who said he wasn’t going to get any right.

Final HP remaining: 3.5 HP

Verdict: After a rocky start (and many protestations that he was no good at trivia), Zala aced the toughest question in the quiz. I think I just got hustled. Paul Newman would've been proud.