This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

We want to change it. Not too much — just ever so slightly. In addition to your usual articles, we'd like to see more short and concise news-related articles. We think it will strengthen our community and net you more readers — by writing this type of article, you'll have more readers actively searching for your content.
Here's what we would like you to do:
1. Keep writing what you've been writing. Those thoughtful and creative articles fuel the site, so keep them coming. They'll continue to get those front page promotions.
2. Try submitting shorter news and cultural posts. If you spot something interesting around the Internet, in your inbox, or on your console, feel free to share it with the community if you don't see a similar article in the Mobfeed already. New trailer? Post it! Controversy brewing? Post it! Great quote from a notable developer? Post it!
3. Keep these new articles concise. Explain what's going on, maybe offer up your own educated opinion, but try to keep it short. You should be able to submit this new type of article in a matter of minutes.
4. Pay attention to your format. Make sure your headline is descriptive, reference your source, and provide an appropriate image. If it doesn't appear professional, your readers won't take you seriously. Check out our daily News Blips for examples of what we'd like to see.
As we mentioned earlier, this can get you more readers, especially if you're early to pounce on the topic of the day. Our goal, however, is to turn the Mobfeed into a destination for gaming news, opinion, and discussion. By providing more content readers are looking for and want to talk about, we'll all contribute to Bitmob's growth — which will ultimately deliver you even more readers.