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Oh CNN, we have no idea if you’re trying to gap the generations that never tune into your channel or if you’re just doing a Wall Street version of trolling. But what is certain is that you have no real idea how a major, multi-billion industry such as gaming works. Yes, you see the financial potential full well, which is probably why we suddenly have your attention. But as far as actual knowledge goes, you seem to be stuck a mere decade or three away.
Sometimes, words can't describe…
Cue their review for the 3DS, coming tomorrow to most of the lucky ones throughout the world. Now, to note just one or two things completely oblivious from this review is so hard to do, I really couldn’t pick. But the ‘hardcore’ gamer at the stock market, who grew up on Halo as he puts it, is puzzled why this clunky old bag is released.
He poses the question if such an ancient technology can stand up against better appliances such as an iPhone or iPad. Will it be successful, he asks. Their tagline even states: "Nintendo 3DS: No match for iPhone." Apparently the biggest news channel on the planet has trouble doing research, as the 3DS stands as the most pre-ordered gaming device to date.
So let me offer some ignorant rhetoric in return: How much stock does Apple hold in Time Warner Company and vice versa? Even haters of Nintendo might get a kick out of this video. Let your nerdrage be heard.
Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)