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BitmobWe've spent the last few months fixing a lot of nagging issues, tweaking a few functions, and adding a new feature here and there. It's been a long, arduous process, but Bitmob 2.1 is finally here.

First of all, as it says up by our logo, we're still in alpha. That means we still have a long ways to go before Bitmob realizes its full power (we're looking for angel investors to help us get there…). That also means you suckers…er, bestest friends are testers! If you find any problems with the site, we'd appreciate it if you can leave a comment here and let us know. (Please include what browser and browser version you're using.)

OK, then — so what did we change exactly from Bitmob 2.0? Below is a partial list, if you're interested!


New additions:

1. Removed the old "boost" button and replaced it with Facebook, Twitter, and other sharing functions. (Please use these!)

2. If you're writing stories on Bitmob, you should notice a much-improved tagging system with a working auto-suggest feature.

3. Added a few ways you can follow us (Twitter, Facebook, RSS) in the right column. Use 'em! (Pretty please?)

4. Added a spell checker in the Article Editor. Use it! (Pretty please?)

5. Not only can you manually subscribe to any comment thread now, but authors are automatically subscribed to the comments on any stories that they write. You can opt out of this in your Profile: Account Settings, but you probably shouldn't. Don't you want to read what people are saying about your articles?

Fixed problems:

1. You should now stay logged in if you told the system to "remember me." Note: For now, if you're logged in to, you might not be logged in to (without the "www"). We're working on this.

2. Date stamps now show up on the front page.

3. Now if you log in to Bitmob, you will stay on the page you were on instead of it taking you to the home page.

4. In the Article Editor, you can now pick your thumbnails (that will show up in the Mobfeed) and add additional pages (don't abuse this — people don't like multipage articles).

5. You can save a draft of your article without closing out the Article Editor.

6. Tags are now below the article, just in case you have a huge list of 'em.

7. The Related Stories box should now have…well, related stories.

8. Adding Google Ads to your profile should work now, so you can start making some dough on your posts. Not sure what I'm talking about? See here.

9. The comment counter will continue counting, even if the number of comments gets too high.

10. On your main Profile page and on its Post Manager, the number of comments should now be accurately displayed everywhere (instead of some of them always saying zero).

11. "Subscribe to comments" should now work.

12. Fixed the awkward double-spacing in comments.

13. Your lifetime stats under your Profile: Post Manager should display properly now, with commas for them big numbers!

14. If you click on a tag, it will now show any stories sharing that tag in the correct chronological order.

15. The system navigation links (Xbox 360, PS3, etc.) now filters the appropriate stories through, either on the front page or on the Mobfeed.

3. A ton of various fixes that we don't need to go into here. A ton.

Still broke:

1. MyFeed.

2. Dan "Shoe" Hsu.