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Recently, my three-year-old daughter has taken to sending me messages on Twitter with the help of my wife. She knows her ABCs well enough but hasn't passed the point of learning what letter a word starts with. So at least once a day I receive a string of seemingly random letters that I have come to know as her saying "hi."

It's safe to say our children are intrigued by the technology that surrounds them. The problem lies in making sure they have a good outlet for the curiosity that doesn't result in all of your files being deleted when you get up to go to the bathroom.

Well, the dad founders of KneeBouncers have you covered. They've created a website with more than 20 games to keep your toddler's wandering fingers away from those important documents. Best of all, they'll learn while they're at it. 

KneeBouncers has generously offered up a free year's worth of educational distractions to one lucky Bitmob community member. If you want to be able to make yourself a sandwich while the computer teaches your child, then leave a comment below. We'll choose which parent gets to eat that sandwich at random.

Just don't blame us if the machines choose your offspring as their first prisoner.