This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

Mobcast 100Due to various logistical and technical difficulties, we're extending the deadline for Mobcast 100 call-ins. This whole live-phone-in thing proved a bit more complicated than we first thought.

If you haven't called in to the Mobcast 100 dedicated line yet, pick up the phone and do it now! This is your chance to get your opinion featured next to industry veterans like Michael Donahoe, Kathleen Sanders, and site founders Demian Linn and Dan Hsu.

All you have to do is dial 209-752-7309. The new deadline for placing your call is 5 p.m. PST on Thursday, April 14.

Make sure you check out the topics below before you call, and make sure to respond to only one topic per call. You can add your thoughts to each topic if you’d like, but make sure you do it in five separate calls. That will make life much easier for me (James, the dude who splices together the Mobcast). I'll stitch the various responses into what is sure to be an awesome show.

Put simply:

1) Review the topics below.
2) Call 209-752-7309 and give a short response to one only topic per call. Be sure to tell us your name at the start of each message. (I'll cut out any redundancies, and I'll cut out any callers who don't identify themselves.)
3) Download Mobcast 100 in one week and marvel at the sound of your own voice!

The topics follow after the jump.



If you could be any fictional game character, who would you be and why? -Juan Letona

Anybody getting tired of rebuying the same games you already own on Virtual Console or in "HD game remakes" instead of being provided with some backwards compatibility? Doesn't it end up being the case that pirates using emulators get to play old games conveniently, but those of us who bought them originally only get to do so once in a while, for additional charge, at the whim of these publishers? –Dana Laratta

Have you ever dreamed of video games or dreamed you were in one? What was it about? -Matt Giguere

What is the one accomplishment in gaming that you'll still brag about 10-15 years from now? -Yasin Bulhan

Why is storytelling so piss-poor in gaming? Take a real good look at the industry; now compare the element of storytelling to any other medium, be it books, movies, or television. Video-game storytelling is painfully immature. -Anders Wahl