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E3 is my destiny. I didn't know what a gaming convention was until I went to the inaugural PAX East in 2010. It didn't take long for me to realize I was built for this. I have possible interviews with both Jim Sterling & Hood News arranged for E3. I feel important.
Jim Sterling is the voice of the gamers. I don't even know where to start when I think of the success he's had as a gaming journalist. I describe him as a "Game Journalist 2.0." It's an honor and a pleasure to be given the opportunity to meet a legend in the gaming industry.
Hood News is the voice of the streets. They're the one's that caught the infamous tape of rapper Charles Hamilton getting punched by that girl. Classic. They report real issues that pertain to the lives of Black people in America. I saw a video where they filmed a person being arrested just to make sure the man wasn't being mistreated. It's an honor to be given the opportunity to be interviewed by the same people who have interviewed Kid Cudi.
I just have to make it to E3, How do I get a press pass into this event? Losers would make fun of the fact that I had I three day pass at PAX East. I like my 3 day pass. It showed I wasn't a conformist like the losers that were hating on me. If I have people in the gaming industry hating on me I must be doing something right. I deserve to go to E3. You will see me there. I just need to find the 3 day pass with my name on it… #E3ForME